veracruz-project / RealmOS-documentation

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CCA realmOS

Investigate possible low-TCB realmOS for running Veracruz on top of CCA.

We started by looking for an OS based on seL4:

  • IceCap: We had Veracruz running on IceCap until 15 Aug 2023, when it was removed to simplify work on other platforms.
  • CantripOS: Unfortunately CantripOS does not yet support Rust std applications, and does not have support for vsock.


Name Type Rust std support Vsock
CantripOS Low-TCB OS based on seL4 No No
Redox Microkernel Yes No
Unikraft Unikernel dev kit No Recently added
Hermit Unikernel / library OS Yes Not yet, but virtio-net
Theseus OS New OS written in Rust No No

a Microkernel written in Rust. it has support for Rust std on aarch64, no vsock support. - support for aarch64, builds with no errors but I encountered some runtime errors (it's been reported in their gitlab just few weeks ago) - Their repo seems healthy, fairly active with few contributors, compared to the rest, their code base is a bit larger and complex.

To get started:

PS: we tried running Redox on June 2023

(The following instructions also worked in a debian:11 Docker container with --device /dev/fuse --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --privileged.)

curl -sf -o
time bash -e
source ~/.cargo/env
sudo apt-get install qemu-system-aarch64
sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools
sudo apt-get install qemu-system-arm qemu-efi
sudo apt-get install fuse
cd redox
./ -a aarch64 -c server qemu vga=no

to change the configuration, go to config/aarch64/server.toml

at this point I got the following error:

TRACE: fffffe8000258120
  FP fffffe8000258120: PC ffffff000007d51c
  FP fffffe8000258260: PC ffffff0000001b64
  FP fffffe80002582c0: PC 00000000f2000001
  00007fffffffe9f8: GUARD PAGE
kernel:INFO -- SIGNAL 11, CPU 0, PID ContextId(17)
kernel:INFO -- NAME /bin/pcid
redoxfs: found scheme disk/live
redoxfs: found path disk/live:/0
redoxfs: opening disk/live:/0
redoxfs: opened filesystem on disk/live:/0 with uuid dcbb6e58-3ebe-4ebe-83d4-378550da9d28
redoxfs: filesystem on disk/live:/0 matches uuid dcbb6e58-3ebe-4ebe-83d4-378550da9d28
redoxfs: mounted filesystem on disk/live:/0 to file:
init: failed to execute 'pcid /etc/pcid.d/': No such file or directory (os error 2)
init: failed to execute 'escalated': No such file or directory (os error 2)
smolnetd: smoltcpd: failed to open network:: syscall error: No such device
thread 'main' panicked at 'smoltcp: failed to daemonize: I/O error', src/smolnetd/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
dnsd: dnsd: failed to open nameserver:: syscall error: No such device
thread 'main' panicked at 'dnsd: failed to daemonize: I/O error', src/dnsd/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Running with true and false
dhcpd: Can't open netcfg:ifaces/eth0/mac
error: getty: failed to open TTY display:2/activate: No such device
########## Redox OS ##########
# Login with the following:  #
# `user`                     #
# `root`:`password`          #

redox login: user
Welcome to Redox OS!

ion: creating history file at "file:/home/user/.local/share/ion/history"
ion: prompt expansion failed: pipeline execution error: command exec error: nul byte found in provided data
ion: prompt expansion failed: pipeline execution error: command exec error: nul byte found in provided data

Clean previous build:

rm -rf prefix/aarch64-unknown-redox/relibc-install/ cookbook/recipes/gcc/{build,sysroot,stage*} build/aarch64/*/{harddrive.img,livedisk.iso}
  • we haven't tried to run it inside of CCA or get an application running on top of redox on its own since the previously mentioned error is still not fixed.
  • a unikernel dev kit
  • rust support only for x86 (and only supports no_std), no rust for aarch64 as of June 2023.
  • they just added support for vsock.

Since there is no rust support for aarch64, we moved on to find another libOS.

(Last updated in Sep 2023.)

  • A lightweight unikernel (library OS) written entirely in Rust.
  • Runs on x86_64 and AArch64, though AArch64 is less tested and documented, and there is no SMP: #737
  • Can run Rust applications (with std), as well as C/C++, Go and Fortran applications.
  • It is claimed: "Rust applications that use the Rust runtime and do not directly use OS services are able to run on Hermit without modifications." Unfortunately, however, many Rust crates, including Wasmtime, indirectly and perhaps unnecessarily depend on Linux/Unix features of libc.
  • Virtio-net is supported, but vsock is not finished: #826
  • Recent work on kernel (there are also other repos)

To run a Rust hello_world program on AArch64 with Hermit from (tested in a debian:12 Docker container on 19 Sep 2023):

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl git qemu-system-arm
curl -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
rustup default nightly-2023-09-19
rustup component add rust-src

Build Hermit loader, needed for running on QEMU:

git clone
cd loader
cargo xtask build --target aarch64 --release

Create application:

cargo new hello
cd hello

Edit Cargo.toml to contain:

name = "hello"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

[target.'cfg(target_os = "hermit")'.dependencies.hermit]
version = "*"

Edit src/ to contain:

#[cfg(target_os = "hermit")]
use hermit as _;

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Build and run:

cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-hermit \
  -Z build-std=std,core,alloc,panic_abort \
  -Z build-std-features=compiler-builtins-mem

qemu-system-aarch64 \
    -machine virt,gic-version=3 \
    -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 1 -m 512M  \
    -display none -serial stdio -semihosting \
    -kernel ../loader/target/aarch64/release/hermit-loader \
    -device guest-loader,addr=0x48000000,initrd=target/aarch64-unknown-hermit/debug/hello

This line should appear in the output near the end:

Hello, world!

(Stop QEMU with C-c.)

To run the httpd example with Hermit from source repo:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd hermit-rs/kernel
git checkout main
cd .../httpd

Modify the Hermit dependency in Cargo.toml to be:

[target.'cfg(target_os = "hermit")'.dependencies.hermit]
path = "../../hermit-rs/hermit"

Build and run:

cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-hermit \
  -Z build-std=std,core,alloc,panic_abort \
  -Z build-std-features=compiler-builtins-mem

qemu-system-aarch64 \
    -machine virt,gic-version=3 \
    -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 1 -m 512M  \
    -display none -serial stdio -semihosting \
    -kernel ../../loader/target/aarch64/release/hermit-loader \
    -device guest-loader,addr=0x48000000,initrd=target/aarch64-unknown-hermit/debug/httpd \
    -netdev user,id=u1,hostfwd=tcp::8080-:8080 \
    -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=u1,disable-legacy=on

Output should finish with:

Starting server on port 8080
Now listening on port 8080

Test from another terminal (in the same Docker container):

$ curl
hello world

RustyHermit on CCA

  • Tried following the same instructions to start a rustyHermit vm inside of CCA (FVP) using qemu.

  • When we create the vm inside the normal world we get the following error. (we didn't try to and solve the issue)

LOADER][INFO] Loader: [0x40200000 - 0x4021f000]
[LOADER][INFO] Found ELF file with size 18396400
[LOADER][INFO] Parsing kernel from ELF at 0x48000000..0x4918b4f0 (18396400 B)
[LOADER][INFO] Loading kernel to 0x40400000
[LOADER][INFO] Detect 1 CPU(s)
[LOADER][INFO] Detect UART at 0x9000000
[LOADER][INFO] Jumping to HermitCore Application Entry Point at 0x4045a000
[0][INFO] Welcome to HermitCore-rs 0.6.1
[0][INFO] Kernel starts at 0x40400000
[0][INFO] BSS starts at 0x4047fd00
[0][INFO] TLS starts at 0x0 (size 0 Bytes)
[0][INFO] RAM starts at physical address 0x40000000
[0][INFO] Physical address range: 1024GB
[0][INFO] Support of 4KB pages: true
[0][INFO] Support of 16KB pages: true
[0][INFO] Support of 64KB pages: true
[0][INFO] Total memory size: 506 MB
[0][INFO] Kernel region: [0x40400000 - 0x40600000]
[0][INFO] A pure Rust application is running on top of HermitCore!
[0][INFO] Heap: size 446 MB, start address 0x200000
[0][INFO] Heap is located at 0x200000..0x1c000000 (0 Bytes unmapped)
[0][INFO] ===================== PHYSICAL MEMORY FREE LIST ======================
[0][INFO] 0x0000005C4DF000 - 0x00000060000000
[0][INFO] ======================================================================
[0][INFO] ================== KERNEL VIRTUAL MEMORY FREE LIST ===================
[0][INFO] 0x00000000002000 - 0x00000000200000
[0][INFO] 0x0000001C000000 - 0x00000040000000
[0][INFO] 0x00000040600000 - 0x00000100000000
[0][INFO] ======================================================================
[0][INFO] The current hermit-kernel is only implemented up to this point on aarch64.
[0][INFO] Attempting to exit via QEMU.
  • If we try to create the vm in the realm world, it just crashes after it tries to ftech the device tree.

Theseus is a new OS written in Rust to experiment with shifting responsibilities like resource management into the compiler and other ideas. Although there is no Rust std for Theseus, Wasmtime has been ported to Theseus as WASM is seen as the way to run software written in an unsafe language on Theseus.

Theseus was originally written for x86_64 but most of the core subsystems are now also working on AArch64.

To build and run Theseus on AArch64 (tested in a debian:12 Docker container on 28 Sep 2023):

sudo apt-get install -y curl gcc gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu git grub-pc-bin make nasm \
  qemu-system-arm wget xorriso
curl -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
cd Theseus
make ARCH=aarch64 iso
make ARCH=aarch64 orun host=no graphic=no

You can then hit return to see the prompt >. Currently only statically linked applications work from this console but you can do, for example:

> cd /extra_files
> cd foo
no such file or directory: foo
exit 1
> cd wasm

Exit QEMU with C-a x.

Outside Docker it is also possible to run Theseus with:

make ARCH=aarch64 orun host=no

You then get a graphical window, but the graphics stack has not been fully ported to AArch64 so this is currently not useful on AArch64.

Test on Intel by substituting x86_64 for aarch64 and use host=yes if the host is also Intel.



Language:Rust 100.0%