veracode-research / research-paper-notes

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Research Papers

This repository is a set of collected research notes on various papers that have been read - both good and bad, to allow for collaborative thinking and discussion.

Issues to be Resolved

Organizing by subject could be tricky here so let's try to maintain some flexiblity and create subdirectories. Currently, I'm thinking high level subjects, for example -

  • Security
  • Misc.
  • Machine Learning
  • Languages

We'll go with that and see how it works perhaps but certainly some feedback would be helpful...

Style Guidelines

One thought was to leverage something like Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet as a style guide, so that this doesn't become a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down", but rather a distillation of the paper contents. A useful reference for understanding the MR approach may be found in their Guide for Reviewers. It may be useful for us to follow a similar path.
