vera-ho / dina-dopt

Web application to adopt prehistoric animals

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Check out the live app here.
For design documentation, see wiki here.


Dina-Dopt is a MERN stack web application that allows users to adopt and review prehistoric pets. It is created for educational purposes only. Please do not enter any sensitive data while exploring Dina-Dopt.

More information for each feature can be found below.


Users are able to register for an account, login, and logout as needed on the website. The user authentication on the backend uses Express with BCrypt to secure password information. When the user goes to the root directory of the web application, there will be an option to log in along with a demo user log in option.

Splash Page

Users may also click on "Signup" to register a new account.


Both login and signup forms will report any errors if the form does not receive the correct information.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React and Redux
    • react-redux
    • redux-thunk
    • react hooks
  • Backend: Express
    • bcryptjs - user authentication
    • passportjs
    • jsonwebtoken
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Languages
    • Javascript
    • HTML and CSS
  • Hosting: Heroku

Functionality and Features

The following are completed features for Dina-Dopt:

  • User authenticaion
  • Pet listing and details
  • Review creation and listing
  • Cart CRUD

Key features for the completed project, including 1 full CRUD cycle:

  • Users:
    • User authentication - register, signin, logout
    • Ability to:
      • View pets and pet details
      • Create, Read, Update and Destroy cart items
      • Create and Read reviews
  • Pets:
    • Searchable by pet name and type
    • Show pet details
      • Basic information: name, type, description
      • Media: Pet images, hosted on AWS S3
  • Cart:

  • Reviews:
    • Reviews for a pet are shown on the pet's details page, from all users
    • Reviews for a pet can be written on the pet's details page
    • To create a review, a user must be logged in


Users are able to search pets by their names or pet types in the index page and see pet details on the pet details page. The pet details page will show the pet's name, type, description, price and any reviews from all users.

The pet index page is shown below. The frontend retrieves all pets from MongoDB. Pet Index

Below is an example of the pet show page. Pet Details


Pets can be added to the cart on both the pets index page and pet details page by clicking the Add to Cart button. You can add more quantity to a pet and remove a pet from the cart.


Code Snippets

Below is a code snippet of our route when we click the 'Add to Cart' button. We are passing in a petId as data and checking to see if that petId is in the cart already. If it is not in the cart, we will simply add it to cart with a quantity of one. If it is in the cart, we will increase the quantity of that pet by one.

Cart Snippet


Web application to adopt prehistoric animals


Language:JavaScript 78.6%Language:SCSS 19.5%Language:HTML 1.9%