venkat-0706 / Number-Guessing-Game---Python

Python number guessing game: Computer picks a random number, user tries to guess it. Computer gives hints (too high/low). Repeat until correct. Add difficulty levels, limited tries, or scoring for more challenge.

Repository from Github https://github.comvenkat-0706/Number-Guessing-Game---PythonRepository from Github https://github.comvenkat-0706/Number-Guessing-Game---Python

Number Guessing Game in Python

Project Objectives

This project aims to:

  • Implement a classic number guessing game in Python.
  • Practice fundamental programming concepts like random number generation, user input, conditional statements, and loops.
  • Create a user-friendly and interactive experience.

What I Learned

Developing this game helped me solidify my understanding of:

  • The random module for generating random numbers.
  • Working with user input and converting it to the desired data type (integer in this case).
  • Utilizing conditional statements (if, elif, else) for decision making.
  • Implementing loops (while) for repetitive tasks.
  • Displaying formatted output using print statements.

Project Purpose

This number guessing game serves as a:

  • Learning tool: It reinforces core Python programming concepts in a practical and engaging way.
  • Simple entertainment: It provides a casual game experience for users to test their luck and intuition.

How it Works

  1. The program imports the random module.
  2. It defines a function main() to encapsulate the game logic.
  3. Inside main():
    • Counters are initialized for high guesses, low guesses, and wins.
    • A random number between 1 and 100 is generated and stored.
    • A while loop continues until the player guesses correctly.
      • Inside the loop, the user is prompted to enter a guess.
      • The guess is compared to the secret number.
      • Based on the comparison (too high, too low, or correct), appropriate messages are displayed, and counters are updated.
    • After the loop, the total number of high, low, and overall guesses is displayed.
  4. The main function is called to start the game.


This implementation prioritizes readability and understanding over optimization. While the code is efficient for a simple game, more complex projects might require techniques to improve performance for larger data sets or frequent calculations.

Further Development

  • Difficulty levels with adjustable number ranges.
  • Limited number of attempts to add an element of challenge.
  • Score tracking based on the number of guesses.


Python number guessing game: Computer picks a random number, user tries to guess it. Computer gives hints (too high/low). Repeat until correct. Add difficulty levels, limited tries, or scoring for more challenge.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%