vengent / ExampleMods

Minecraft modding examples

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A mod to test ideas, learn technique, and otherwise do modding.

Current Features

  • Copper and silver

    • Ores, ingots, metal blocks
    • All tools
    • Vanilla buckets can be made with copper or silver ingots!
  • Copper and silver are both low-durability high-efficiency metals. Silver does damage like and is enchantable like gold; copper does more damage, but is only as enchantable as iron.

  • Magic rings and recipes. All use the base silver ring, a nether star, and one other item. Said recipes are subject to change.

    • Mining: diamond
    • Regeneration: golden apple (the shiny version)
    • Speed: diamond boots
    • Strength: diamond sword


Minecraft modding examples