velicki / python-SUDOKU

This project is a Python application that provides an interactive and visually appealing way to solve Sudoku puzzles. The project combines the power of a Sudoku-solving algorithm with a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This Python project offers an interactive and visually appealing solution for solving Sudoku puzzles. Leveraging the robustness of a Sudoku-solving algorithm and a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), this application makes Sudoku solving intuitive and enjoyable.


While coding this Sudoku Solver project, I gained valuable insights and learned important concepts that have enhanced my skills as a Python developer. Here's what I learned:

  1. GUI Development with tkinter: Building the graphical user interface (GUI) using the tkinter library provided hands-on experience in creating interactive and visually appealing interfaces in Python. I learned how to design windows, frames, buttons, labels, and entry widgets to construct a user-friendly Sudoku solving interface.

  2. Algorithm Implementation: Implementing the Sudoku-solving algorithm deepened my understanding of problem-solving techniques and algorithmic thinking. I learned how to translate the rules of Sudoku into code, develop strategies for efficiently solving puzzles, and handle edge cases and constraints within the algorithm.

  3. Error Handling and Validation: Implementing error detection and solution validation features required careful attention to detail and error-handling mechanisms. I learned how to identify and handle various types of errors, such as invalid input, duplicate entries, and incorrect solutions, to provide a seamless user experience.

  4. External Library Integration: Integrating external libraries such as numpy and keyboard expanded my toolkit and introduced me to new functionalities and capabilities. I learned how to leverage existing libraries to streamline development, improve performance, and enhance user interaction within my projects.

  5. Project Organization and Structure: Structuring the project directory, organizing files, and modularizing code improved code readability, maintainability, and scalability. I learned best practices for project organization, such as separating logic into modules, defining clear interfaces, and adhering to coding conventions and standards.

  6. Testing and Debugging: Writing test cases, debugging code, and troubleshooting issues helped me identify and resolve errors efficiently. I learned how to use debugging tools, log messages, and unit tests to ensure the correctness and reliability of the application.

  7. Documentation and Communication: Documenting code, writing README files, and communicating project details effectively are essential skills for collaboration and sharing projects with others. I learned how to write clear and concise documentation, provide instructions for usage, and convey project information to users and collaborators.

Overall, coding this Sudoku Solver project was a rewarding learning experience that allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problem-solving, deepen my understanding of Python programming concepts, and expand my skill set as a software developer.


Graphical User Interface (GUI): The GUI is built using the tkinter library, providing users with an intuitive and visually appealing interface for interacting with Sudoku puzzles.

Sudoku Solving Algorithm: The application utilizes a powerful Sudoku-solving algorithm to efficiently solve puzzles of varying difficulty levels.

Interactive Input: Users can input their Sudoku puzzles directly into the application.

Error Detection: The application detects and highlights errors, helping users identify incorrect entries and correct them.

Solution Validation: Users can validate their solutions to check for correctness, ensuring that their completed puzzles adhere to Sudoku rules.


tkinter: The GUI is built using the tkinter library, which is a standard GUI toolkit included with Python distributions.

numpy: The numpy library is used for efficient numerical computations, facilitating the implementation of the Sudoku-solving algorithm.

keyboard: The keyboard library is used for capturing keyboard events, enabling seamless interaction with the Sudoku puzzle grid.


-Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download Python from the official website.

-Install the required dependencies using pip: pip install numpy keyboard

-Clone this repository to your local machine:

-Navigate to the project directory: cd sudoku-solver

-Run the application: python


Upon launching the application, users are presented with an empty Sudoku grid.

Users can manually input Sudoku puzzles by clicking on individual cells and entering the desired numbers.

To solve a puzzle, users can click the "Solve" button, and the application will display the solution.


This project is inspired by the classic game of Sudoku and aims to provide a user-friendly platform for Sudoku enthusiasts to enjoy solving puzzles.

Special thanks to the contributors of the tkinter, numpy, and keyboard libraries for their valuable contributions to the Python ecosystem.


This project is a Python application that provides an interactive and visually appealing way to solve Sudoku puzzles. The project combines the power of a Sudoku-solving algorithm with a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).


Language:Python 100.0%