vegeterrixen / faker

Go (Golang) Fake Data Generator for Struct

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Struct Data Fake Generator

Faker will generate you a fake data based on your Struct.

Build Status codecov Go Report Card License GoDoc



You can file an Issue. See documentation in Godoc

Getting Started


go get -u


With Tag

Supported tag:

Internet :

  • Email
  • Mac address
  • Domain name
  • Url
  • UserName
  • IP Address (IPV4 IPV6 )
  • Password

Payment :

  • Credit Card Number

Address :

  • Latitude and Longitude

Phone :

  • Phone number
  • Toll free phone number
  • E164PhoneNumber

Person :

  • Title male
  • Title female
  • FirstName
  • FirstName male
  • FirstName female
  • LastName
  • Name

DateTime :

  • UnixTime
  • Date
  • Time
  • MonthName
  • Year
  • DayOfWeek
  • DayOfMonth
  • Timestamp
  • Century
  • TimeZone
  • TimePeriod

Lorem :

  • Word
  • Sentence
  • Sentences
package main

import (

type SomeStruct struct {
 Latitude         float32 `faker:"lat"`
 Long             float32 `faker:"long"`
 CreditCardType   string  `faker:"cc_type"`
 CreditCardNumber string  `faker:"cc_number"`
 Email            string  `faker:"email"`
 IPV4             string  `faker:"ipv4"`
 IPV6             string  `faker:"ipv6"`
 Password         string  `faker:"password"`
 PhoneNumber      string  `faker:"phone_number"`
 MacAddress       string  `faker:"mac_address"`
 Url              string  `faker:"url"`
 UserName         string  `faker:"username"`
 ToolFreeNumber   string  `faker:"tool_free_number"`
 E164PhoneNumber  string  `faker:"e_164_phone_number"`
 TitleMale        string  `faker:"title_male"`
 TitleFemale      string  `faker:"title_female"`
 FirstName        string  `faker:"first_name"`
 FirstNameMale    string  `faker:"first_name_male"`
 FirstNameFemale  string  `faker:"first_name_female"`
 LastName         string  `faker:"last_name"`
 Name             string  `faker:"name"`
 UnixTime         int64   `faker:"unix_time"`
 Date             string  `faker:"date"`
 Time             string  `faker:"time"`
 MonthName        string  `faker:"month_name"`
 Year             string  `faker:"year"`
 DayOfWeek        string  `faker:"day_of_week"`
 DayOfMonth       string  `faker:"day_of_month"`
 Timestamp        string  `faker:"timestamp"`
 Century          string  `faker:"century"`
 TimeZone         string  `faker:"timezone"`
 TimePeriod       string  `faker:"time_period"`
 Word             string  `faker:"word"`
 Sentence         string  `faker:"sentence"`
 Sentences        string  `faker:"sentences"`

func main() {

  a= SomeStruct{}
  err:= faker.FakeData(&a)
  if err!= nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v", a)
	//Will Print  :
	 /* Latitude: -74.209991,
        Long: -4.394531,
        CreditCardNumber: 376243757700558,
        CreditCardType: american express,
        IPV6: 448f:a391:90c6:d165:1d1f:b536:45f7:f084,
	    Password: FhOSWpnzXwxxnCTlZJcZeBTUeRaVidThUdntQryyjNiAFwbyCe,
        PhoneNumber: 865-321-1047,
        MacAddress: 46:77:6f:bb:d0:fc,
        UserName: VwrVhzZ,
        ToolFreeNumber: (777) 372-148965,
        E164PhoneNumber: +765101283947,
        TitleMale: Prof.,
        TitleFemale: Dr.,
        FirstName: Benny,
        FirstNameMale: Charley,
        FirstNameFemale: Freeda,
        LastName: Runte,
        Name: Dr. Freeda Runte,
        UnixTime: 679631083,
        Date: 2010-06-12,
        Time: 11:33:24,
        MonthName: January,
        Year: 1982,
        DayOfWeek: Sunday,
        DayOfMonth: 26,
        Timestamp: 1972-06-24 14:03:32,
        Century: XV,
        TimeZone: Navajo,
        TimePeriod: AM,
	    Word: consectetur,
        Sentence: Perferendis aut sit accusantium consequatur voluptatem .,
        Sentences: Perferendis sit consequatur accusantium aut voluptatem .Aut voluptatem consequatur sit perferendis accusantium .Aut consequatur sit accusantium perferendis voluptatem .,

Without Tag

package main

import (

type SomeStruct struct {
	Int      int
	Int8     int8
	Int16    int16
	Int32    int32
	Int64    int64
	String   string
	Bool     bool
	SString  []string
	SInt     []int
	SInt8    []int8
	SInt16   []int16
	SInt32   []int32
	SInt64   []int64
	SFloat32 []float32
	SFloat64 []float64
	SBool    []bool
	Struct   AStruct
type AStruct struct {
	Number        int64
	Height        int64
	AnotherStruct BStruct

type BStruct struct {
	Image string

func main() {

  a := SomeStruct{}
  err:= faker.FakeData(&a)
  if err!= nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v", a)

Output :

{Int:7088293148785081331 Int8:7 Int16:14 Int32:1777976883 Int64:2467854463682814928 String:XMhCTmwvVqEUryIKnpWrQmBdb Bool:true SString:[iiCGZ GESVVaP] SInt:[2391903971675293806 5270400206229440165 7315288441301820955] SInt8:[124 104 84] SInt16:[-9403 -23327 -19174] SInt32:[1714966339 1617248797 1233525792] SInt64:[6505581000035730776 989945489581839946 7467254172609770414] SFloat32:[0.6761954 0.13427323 0.35608092] SFloat64:[0.49714054026277343 0.29188223737765046 0.7800285978504301] SBool:[true true true] Struct:{Number:8662858647992239649 Height:2466984558238338402 AnotherStruct:{Image:kNIwoxPiVcOqQxBUyyAuDAKom}}}

Example to use Faker

Bench To Generate Fake Data

Without Tag

BenchmarkFakerDataNOTTagged-4             500000              3049 ns/op             488 B/op         20 allocs/op

Using Tag

 BenchmarkFakerDataTagged-4                100000             17470 ns/op             380 B/op         26 allocs/op


The Struct Field must PUBLIC.
Support Only For :

  • int int8 int16 int32 int64
  • []int []int8 []int16 []int32 []int64
  • bool []bool
  • string []string
  • float32 float64 []float32 []float64
  • Nested Struct Field
  • time.Time []time.Time


Unfortunately this library has some limitation

  • Not support for private field. Just make sure your field's struct is public. If not, it will throw panic error.
  • Not support for interface{} data type. How we can generate if we don't know what is the data type?
  • Not support for map[interface{}]interface{}, map[any_type]interface{}, map[interface{}]any_type. Still, it's about interface. We can't give you something if we don't know what really you want.
  • Not fully support for custom type, but a few custom type already supported, still investigating how to do this in the correct ways. For now, if you use faker, it's safer not to use any custom type to avoid panic.


To contrib on this project, you can make a PR or just an issue.



Go (Golang) Fake Data Generator for Struct

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%