vegetableman / Scrollblum

A petite vanilla js virtual list

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A petite vanilla js virtual list. Derived from the Google Chrome Console Source.

The current state of frameworky virtual list libraries perplexed "The Blum" and was enough to make the man snap out of his perpetual medicated state, to build a tiny and performant vanilla js virtual list.


const scrollBlum = require('scrollblum');

const sb = new scrollBlum('.list', {
  rowsCount: 100,
  rowHeight: 150,
  rowRenderer: ((index) => {
    return document.createElement('div')

// Used to update the row height on an index
sb.setRowHeight(10, 200);


npm i scrollblum --save

Run Example

npm start


scrollBlum(container, options)

Container The dom node container to append the list to. Could be a classname or dom node selector. (String | node)


  • rowsCount The number of rows on the container
  • rowHeight The height of a single row
  • rowRenderer Should return the dom node to be rendered as a row (node)
  • overscanCount The number of extra elements to render above/below the visible items (inspired by react-tiny-virtual-list)


  • setRowHeight(index, height) Update the row height for a row at a particular index.
  • scrollToIndex The index in the list to scroll to


  • scroll-end Emitted at end of the scroll


A petite vanilla js virtual list


Language:JavaScript 91.6%Language:CSS 8.4%