vedees / work-template

Gulp template PUG + Stylus. Tinypng API, deploy task, jshint, minifier, plumber, autoprefixer, browser-sync

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My work template. Pug + stylus

The template uses a Styl with Stylus syntax and project structure with source code in the directory build/ and production folder dev/, that contains ready project with optimized HTML, CSS, JS.

Gulp tasks:

  • gulp: default gulp task (pug, styl, js, browserSync) for web development;
  • build: build project to build folder (cleanup; optimize image(tinypng API), css, js, removing unnecessary files);
  • deploy: project deployment on the server from build folder via FTP;
  • cache: clear all gulp cache.


  1. git clone work-template
  2. cd work-template
  3. npm i
  4. gulp
If there is an error 'Cannot GET /' - refresh the page (F5)


Gulp template PUG + Stylus. Tinypng API, deploy task, jshint, minifier, plumber, autoprefixer, browser-sync

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 69.9%Language:CSS 19.1%Language:HTML 11.0%