vdovychenko / cloudera-deployment

Automation of Cloudera installation using SaltStack+ClouderManager template

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Automation of Cloudera installation (SaltStack + Cloudera Manager tempate)


This document describes how to automate Cloudera installation.

Servers preparation

AWS ec2 instances

Create following type of servers:

  • Salt Master - server, which serve as main orchestration server. Use minimal configuration - t2.micro with AMI Linux. It is mandatory component.

  • Master + Data Node - Set of servers, which serve as master and data node. For example, m5.xlarge with CenOS. It depends on performed tasks and installed components

Preparation of salt-master

Set appropriate hostnames for all servers. It must be hostname+domain. For example: salt-master.test

In addition add line "IP-ADDRESS-OF-SALTMASTER salt" to /etc/hosts.

This is manual operation, which must be executed on all servers. Use the following code:

  • download salt-stack scripts from git
sudo git clone https://github.com/vdovychenko/cloudera-deployment.git /srv

Preparation of Cloudera servers

  • set hostname
  • add salt-master to /etc/hosts
  • disable SELunux
  • reboot
echo name-node.test | sudo tee /etc/hostname
echo ' salt' | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts
sudo sed -i "s/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/sysconfig/selinux
sudo sed -i "s/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config
sudo setenforce 0
sudo reboot
  • wait when all servers are up and running again
  • install salt minion
sudo yum install -y wget nano
sudo curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com -o install_salt.sh
sudo sh install_salt.sh

Add salt minions to salt master

Run following command to salt-master and confirm with "Y"

sudo salt-key -A

Manual Settings

  • set correct hostnames in sudo nano /srv/pillar/hosts/init.sls

Start cluster installation

sudo salt '*.test' state.apply


Automation of Cloudera installation using SaltStack+ClouderManager template


Language:SaltStack 98.7%Language:Scheme 1.3%