vcolesdev / vcolesdev

Github profile README

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👓 vcolesdev / Vanessa Coles

At a Glance

Since 2010.

My Skills

This profile is a work in progress.

Current Role

Fullstack Engineer

I'm Learning:

➡️ Rust
➡️ Go

I've Worked With:


➡️ Containerization (Docker, Lando)
➡️ Shell scripts


➡️ TypeScript
➡️ NextJS
➡️ GatsbyJS
➡️ ReactJS
➡️ Bundlers (Ex: Webpack)
➡️ Vite
➡️ Storybook UI/UX


➡️ NodeJS APIs, Express
➡️ MongoDB + Mongoose
➡️ Python
➡️ Symfony
➡️ WordPress


➡️ Figma
➡️ InDesign
➡️ Adobe Photoshop

You Can Find Me...

Things I like to do in my off-time.

➡️ Working on personal projects.
➡️ Completing my Pokedex.
➡️ Exploring the roguelite genre on Steam.
➡️ Getting ready for the new WoW expansion. For the Horde!
➡️ Enjoying a relaxing day in my favorite farming sims.


Coming soon. To be updated.

➡️ LinkedIn
➡️ Website


Github profile README