vcherkassky / cfa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CF Assignment


Quick overview

Basically solution consists of the following components

  1. Consumer endpoint - web service with only one URL for POST requests exposed, which validates the incoming messages and writes them as is to Kafka
  2. Real-time processor - the complex part, which consists of storm cluster, which retrieves messages from Kafka and processes them to count transaction stats and writes them to Cassandra for further querying. Stats include for now:
  • total Sell and Buy per currency per country
  • sliding average number of transactions per country for the last 5 minutes
  1. Front-end - web process for stats retrieval

Consumer receives messages in Json format:

{"userId": "134256", 
"currencyFrom": "EUR", 
"currencyTo": "GBP", 
"amountSell": 1000, 
"amountBuy": 747.10, 
"rate": 0.7471, 
"timePlaced" : "24-JAN-15 10:27:44", 
"originatingCountry" : "FR"}

Solution is set up to run on any machine with the help of docker and docker-compose. Check out docker-compose.yml for getting idea what will run.

Solution components

Solution consists of many decoupled highly scalable components on their own, so here is a brief description.

  • consumer - single web process, which can be easily scaled (if put behind any router/load-balancer); it just validates messages and passes to Kafka for other components to process
  • zookeeper - kafka and storm use zookeeper as coordinator and cluster manager
  • kafka - kafka cluster scalably decouples consumer nodes from processor nodes
  • real-time-processor - implemented using storm and consists of zookeeper (kafka's is reused in current configuration), nimbus process (the master) and supervisor process (slave/follower); all processing is done inside storm:
    • String messages are consumed using KafkaSpout (from kafka) and passed further
    • untouched String message from KafkaSpout is parsed into a set of fields using JsonParsingBolt
    • SlidingTransactionCounterBolt counts a sliding average of transactions per fixed amount of time (5 mins hardcoded for now) using stream from JsonParsingBolt
    • TotalAmountCountingBolt counts money total amount all transactions grouped by countries and currencies
    • TransactionCounterWritingBolt and TotalAmountWritingBolt just write data from previous bolts respectively to Cassandra tables
  • cassandra - just a single-node cassandra cluster in current configuration
  • frontend - single web process, which just reads from Cassandra what TransactionCounterWritingBolt and TotalAmountWritingBolt have written and produces Json results



  • Oracle or Open JDK 7 installed
  • docker-compose v1.1.0 installed
  • code is cloned and current working directory is the same as this has

Memory size considerations

If you are on Linux, just skip the following info.

WARNING there will be many processes running at the same time in this setup, so if you are using boot2docker, make sure, that there is enough RAM in boot2docker VM. Recommended is 5Gb RAM.

To check current memory size, just type:

boot2docker info | grep Memory

The output would be something like:

    "Memory": 5000,

If the memory size is below recommended, perform the following steps to increase it before continuing.

boot2docker delete
boot2docker init -m 5000

Update docker-compose.yml

If you are on Linux, replace all occerrences of (which is default boot2docker 'host' IP) in docker-compose.yml with localhost. If you are on Mac OS X and your boot2docker ip differs from, replace it with what you have.


  1. run all containers (first time it may take ~30min)
docker-compose up
  1. build and deploy storm components

Mac OS X

./gradlew clean real-time-processor:fatJar ; storm jar real-time-processor/build/libs/real-time-processor-1.0.jar "`boot2docker ip`:2181" `boot2docker ip` `boot2docker ip`


./gradlew clean real-time-processor:fatJar ; storm jar real-time-processor/build/libs/real-time-processor-1.0.jar "localhost:2181" localhost localhost

Available URLs


Posting test messages

Mac OS X

curl -d '{"userId": "134256", "currencyFrom": "EUR", "currencyTo": "GBP", "amountSell": 1000, "amountBuy": 747.10, "rate": 0.7471, "timePlaced" : "24-JAN-15 10:27:44", "originatingCountry" : "FR"}' http://`boot2docker ip`:8080/messages


curl -d '{"userId": "134256", "currencyFrom": "EUR", "currencyTo": "GBP", "amountSell": 1000, "amountBuy": 747.10, "rate": 0.7471, "timePlaced" : "24-JAN-15 10:27:44", "originatingCountry" : "FR"}' http://localhost:8080/messages

Retrieving statistics

Mac OS X

curl http://`boot2docker ip`:8090/total-amount
curl http://`boot2docker ip`:8090/transactions-average


curl http://localhost:8090/total-amount
curl http://localhost:8090/transactions-average


If you are using boot2docker and experience some issues after several docker-compose restarts, try restarting boot2docker:

boot2docker stop
boot2docker start

TODO list

  1. Implement raw data writing into Cassandra, so it could be batch-processed later
  2. Add more stats
  3. Add a couple of web pages to display the stats graphically
  4. Make load tests and check out metrics in storm-ui



Language:Java 100.0%