vbraun / angular-gettext-cmdline

A command line interface for angular-gettext-tools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A command line interface for angular-gettext-tools


This is a fork of https://github.com/huston007/angular-gettext-cli with incompatible command-line options. On the plus side, it also lets you perform the compilation step from the commandline.


npm install --save-dev https://github.com/vbraun/angular-gettext-cmdline


Extract the translatable strings from the source file(s):

angular-gettext extract src/file.html bar/**/*.html --output template.pot

Then translate template.pot; The result is a a file en.po for the English translation and fr.po for the French translation, say. Compile it to javascript:

angular-gettext compile en.po fr.po --output gettext-module.js

Then import gettext-module.js into your AngluarJs app.

Online Help

$ ./bin/angular-gettext
usage: angular-gettext {extract,compile} --output filename [file1 file2 ...]

Available subcommands:
    extract     Extract strings from sources and write them to a .pot file
    compile     Compile .po files to javascript

The input files can also be globs like www/**/*.html


A command line interface for angular-gettext-tools

License:MIT License


Language:CoffeeScript 89.6%Language:Makefile 5.9%Language:JavaScript 4.5%