vbisbest / SSCUploader

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SSC Uploader

A tool for uploading FPR's to SSC.


SCA comes with an FPR utility. However, WebInspect users also want to upload their FPR's to their SSC instance.


  • Cross plaform - It will run on Windows, Linux, Mac and Docker Windows/Linux containers.
  • Written in .Net Core 3.0
  • Upload SCA and WebInspect FPR files to SSC
  • Customizable - Download the source code and customize it for your own CI/CD process.
  • The entire SSC API is implemented for custom actions or behaviors.


You can download the zip files for your appropriate platoform. Extract the files into a folder and execute SSCUploader.


Simply execute the SSCUploader from the command line with the appropriate parameters:

  • fpr: Fully qualified path to the FPR file
  • sscToken: SSC authorization token
  • appVersionID: SSC application Id
  • sscUrl: SSC url. Example: http://myhost/ssc

Example: SSCUploader.exe -authToken MYAUTHTOKEN -fpr C:\webinspect\scans\Scan.fpr -applicationVersionID 9 -sscUrl http://myhost:8180/ssc/

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