R routines to compile fish occurrence records and reference them on HydroBASINS polygons to obtain species-specific geographical ranges
fishbase_species_list_and_synonyms.R Retrieve freshwater fish species scientific names available from fishbase and Tedesco et al., 2018 (including a synonyms check)
iucn_species_list_and_synonyms.R Retrieve synonyms based on iucn database
compile_occurrence_records.R Collects, cleans and merges occurrence records from different datasets
reference2HB.R References occurrence records to HydroBASINS polygons
ranges_diagnostics.R Runs diagnostics on obtained species ranges (compare to IUCN, viz)
merge_polygons.R Merges the referenced occurrences in MULTIPOLYGON features (one multipoly per species) and exports a GPKG feature collection