vb690 / tweets_clustering

Small projects for estimating sentiment and clustering tweets using an artificial neural network.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Estimate and cluster sentiment in tweets

Small project for estimating sentiment in tweets using a deep neural network and subsequently perfroming clustering on the embedding learned by the model.


Given a corpus of tweets we would like to infer the associated sentiment while also being able to individuate different groups inside the corpus.


We start from the assumption that tweets belonging to the same group show similarities with respect to their sentiment and syntactic structure.

If this assumption holds, for solving the above problem we would need a model able to extract the underlying association between a tweet and its sentiment while also retaining information on the internal organization of the tweet itself.

Accessing the representation learned by such a model (a representation embedded within the model input) would offer us a convenient feature space for organizing our corpus. Here, similarities and dissimilarities between tweets would be reflected in terms of their different locations in a new coordinate system learned by the model.

Therefore, partitioning the above representation (or individuating areas of high density) could allow us to discover collections of tweets with distinct peculiarities with repsect to their sentiment and internal organization.


The pipeline used for this project had the following steps:

Supervised Model

The Artificial Neural Network architecture used for this project was implemented according to the following architecture:

The first portion of the model aims to learn a high level representtion of the inputs which is forced to be the "best representation" for performing sentiment classification and next-word estimation. The first task is aimed to discover the relationship beteen a tweet and its associated sentiment while the second tries to capture the underlying internal organization of the tweet. The contribution of this two task in shaping the high level representation is controlled by a gamma factor employed when computing the loss the model is trying to optimize for:

loss = (gamma * sentiment_loss) + next_word_loss


The data used from this projects come from a Kaggle challenge aimed to "Analyze how travelers in February 2015 expressed their feelings on Twitter".

The script preprocessing.py expects to find in data\\csv\\cleaned a csv file named airline_twitter.csv. The data should have at minimum the following structure:

tweet sentiment
0 "A positive sentiment tweet" "positive"
1 "A negative sentiment tweet" "negative"
2 "A neutral sentiment tweet" "neutral"
3 ... ...

Embedding Extraction

For extracting the representation learned by the model we constructed an encoder composed by all the transformation perfromed by the model in its first portion:

The encoder will return as many Z dimensional vectors (where Z is the number of hidden units in the last layer of the encoder) as there are words in the input tweet. The last vector in the sequence should supposedly carry information of all the preceeding vectors therefore being suitbale for representing the tweet in its entirety.

Embedding Partitioning

Once a corpus of T tweets is passed through the encoder we obtain an T X Z matrix suitable for being clustered or partitioned using an unsupervised approach. At this point we can map the individuated C clusters (or partitions) back to the original corpus for inspecting the characteristics of the tweets belonging to a specific partition.

tweet sentiment cluster
0 "A positive sentiment tweet" "positive" 0
1 "A negative sentiment tweet" "negative" 0
2 "A neutral sentiment tweet" "neutral" 1
3 "A positive sentiment tweet" "positive" 2
4 "A negative sentiment tweet" "negative" 1
5 "A neutral sentiment tweet" "neutral" 2
6 ... ... ...


Model Performance

Metric Training Validation
Sentiment Categorical Crossentropy 0.091 0.918
Accuracy 0.966 0.778
Next Word Categorical Crossentropy 5.035 5.484
Accuracy 0.157 0.146

Model Predictions

Cluster Negative

* I was just very surprised it took over mins never experienced anything like that on number

* And no offers to provide us with a hotel or anything for a flight that is over hours away

* Unbelievable that i can not even wait on hold to speak to a human being to resolve my issue the system simply hangs up

Cluster Neutral

* I have their name boarding pass was in there too i think they might really need this any ideas

* Flight taxis at prior to flight to http

* Jetblue our fleet on fleek http i have to refrain what i want to say

Cluster Positive

* Haha thanks for the explanation

* Your crew on tonight was outstanding god bless them and the medically trained passengers on board

* I always look forward to jb rt looking forward to welcoming you onboard

K-Means Clustering

Cluster 0

Negative : 0.106
Neutral : 0.02
Positive : 0.873

* Glad it was finally resolved too too bad i ca get a free voucher to go with mine so i can have a friend travel next time

* Thanks to karen salisbury at iah for amazing customer service found my daughter bag lost on made her day

* Thank you for leaving my bag in houston despite what your system says i was definitely on the flight

Cluster 1

Negative : 1.0

* I would be on my way but wether has delayed yet love the charlotte ice storm good luck with mad customers

* She missed her uncle funeral and you hope they can find another flight that very considerate of you

* This is pathetic customer service why have bag tags barcodes and computers if your response is not yet located

Cluster 2

Negative : 0.988
Neutral : 0.002
Positive : 0.01

* Why cancelled flight on amp flights now hrs longer amp have layovers too late flight to find a reasonably priced alternative

* Unable to locate baggage this is frustrating all my sons clothes and needs in it zfv yyz usairways baggagelost

* Is unfriendly screw family that hates kids and moms now waiting on pray its better fyvrfn to agent error and tickt

Cluster 3

Negative : 0.999
Positive : 0.001

* I had a sjc to jfk departing tonight i have to now change my whole schedule can we get a sort of refund for this

* Believe me i understand flight was originally booked for sunday flight was cancelled flighted and rescheduled for today

* My flight is cancelled flightled and we can only call in but you are accepting calls how do i reschedule my flight

Cluster 4

Negative : 0.023
Neutral : 0.708
Positive : 0.269

* Did you pick the winners for the destinationdragons flightr maybeijustlost whyyounoloveme

* What your current checked bag price policy i fly this coming week and could find anything definitive

* To start flights from washington reagan to nantucket between avgeek

Cluster 5

Negative : 0.37
Neutral : 0.625
Positive : 0.005

* Hi there flight from dallas just cancelled flightled going to la can u pls help rebook me

* Is the new time confirmed or it may get cancelled flightled traveling with kids need to be certain thx

* Does virgin america fly direct from seattle to nyc or boston

HDBSCAN Clustering

Cluster Noise

Negative : 0.644
Neutral : 0.201
Positive : 0.155

* why do you tell them to update the boards

* there was also not one single person at the counter answering questions for our plane full of confused people no staff at all

* comin in clutch and sending me to charlotte then home i u except for wayne u a real g thankjesus thankme

Cluster 0

Negative : 0.193
Neutral : 0.089
Positive : 0.719

* can you tell me what that means i work and just need an estimated time of arrival please i need my laptop for work thanks

* your website is fucked up now instead of a flight i should ve had yesterday it s today thanks

* thanks

Cluster 1

Neutral : 0.027
Positive : 0.973

* thank you

* thank you

* ok thank you

Cluster 2

Negative : 0.991
Neutral : 0.005
Positive : 0.004

* thanks for ruining my wedding anniversary flight from ewr to rdu is delayed by over hours and will reach home the nxt day

* omg answer your phone i have been on hold for hours cancelled flighted flights suck

* can you guys please give an update been sitting on tarmac on flight yet the website still says it on time

Cluster 3

Negative : 0.648
Neutral : 0.206
Positive : 0.147

* tells me paid amp confirmed flight will now cost me cash only airport hours before my flight ripoff nosupport

* decisions decisions we love for you to try our service we offer status match too http

* hour delay nothing says sorry like a voucher missing time with family family precioustime

Affinity Propagation Clustering

Cluster 0

Negative : 0.224
Neutral : 0.387
Positive : 0.388

* Trying to reset my password email never arrives help

* Would love tix for velour every contest and still have won

* I read this over a nice glass of wine right before i dig my heels into my next novel maybe travel is just what i need

Cluster 1

Negative : 0.963
Neutral : 0.025
Positive : 0.012

* We been seating for inside flight at iad delayed we only been offered water amp cookies in business class failed

* Is horrible they lost our carseat and expect us to use a loner carseat safety regulations say it illegal to use a used car seat

* We still need help hung up on twice customer service rep said there is no way to help between the gate rep and phone rep

Cluster 2

Negative : 0.537
Neutral : 0.291
Positive : 0.173

* Jetblue our fleet on fleek http foh

* Volumes profit up http aviation aircargo http

* Rt new airline expected to make its way to mem http

Agglomerative Clustering

Cluster 0

Negative : 0.157
Neutral : 0.098
Positive : 0.744

* Thank you

* Thank you for responding so quickly with a helpful tool

* I might look into that my wife travels much more than i do could we both use the membership

Cluster 1

Negative : 0.972
Neutral : 0.02
Positive : 0.008

* What are the odds my bag was picked up by someone not me while in another country because it says it has been located yet

* The customer service today is unsat flight cnx not notified called for hours and the phone line does not even let me hold

* Airport and extra nights for hotels and not once have i heard of anything from your embarrassing airline saying that you will

Cluster 2

Negative : 0.055
Neutral : 0.654
Positive : 0.291

* If i had my tux it be a date umosaicmecrazy http

* I like the inflight snacks i flying with you guys on jvmchat

* This looks like jfk had a great pic of the oneworld jets lined up on the opposite side air berlin lan and aa

Cluster 3

Negative : 0.416
Neutral : 0.573
Positive : 0.011

* Does she need to complain on twitter for the refund or is it

* Easy fix let the business select actually board then board the

* How do i stop getting credit card apps i already have a card

Cluster 4

Negative : 0.999
Neutral : 0.001

* The best is your message saying to use website and your website is saying you need to call if you do answer hardtodo

* I think it safe to say that after years of loyal jetblue flying we are officially done byebyejetblue

* Now we have to wait and wait to get it straight i fly you for personal and business but now not so sure bebetter

Cluster 5

Negative : 0.972
Neutral : 0.019
Positive : 0.009

* Two hours on the plane at the gate this is undignified behavior for you and the apology isn t enough freedrinkcoupons

* Delayed hrs flight finally board the plane sit half hour amp crew is at their hrs limit amp we deplane unacceptable

* You have a company policy that refuses employees to speak to other employees over the phone interesting


Small projects for estimating sentiment and clustering tweets using an artificial neural network.

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.2%Language:Python 1.8%