vayuda / Week-10---Interfaces-Public

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Week 10 - Interfaces

Slides and Manual


  • UI Canvas
  • Buttons
  • Toggles
  • Text

I'm Getting off the Bus!

As was an option last week, students who have had their fill of Unity can do some research and writing this week instead of the coding below. Type up a lexicon as a "one pager" and upload your one pager as a PDF, please. Work closely with the Galloway reading and define at least ten terms in two- or three-sentence blocks. You can bulletpoint your definitions. Links to websites are useful.

"Interface" or "medium" is an obvious choice, but you might also look up some of his jargon. What's a "mediatic condition"? What's the difference between catoptric and dioptrics? What is the "juridico-geometric sublime"? What is an "invisible hand"? A "supplement"? "Historical materialism"? What does it mean that something is "Brechtian"?

I'm Staying on the Bus!

Proceed as per usual below...


Each Learning Unit has instructions as a txt file in the folder with the scene (Unit01 etc). The instructions will tell you what needs to be done for each unit.



Create a simple game that uses UI elements.

NOTE: Any method on a Component that you want to access from a UI event needs to be "public". See the MoveObject script for reference. (We'll discuss access modifiers next week)


Modify one of your existing first-person games to have a HUD (head's up display) that shows important information about your game.

Demon of Hatred

Do the Hornet-level challenge, but modify it so that all the values (e.g. player health) are tracked via Scriptable Objects instead of direct scene references.

Also: create a working mini-map of your game.



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