vatsan / tasa

Topic and sentiment analysis of tweets (demo)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pivotal Topic and Sentiment Analysis Engine

This demo show cases Pivotal's Topic and Sentiment Analysis Engine using MADlib and GPText. The webserver will query a back-end (internal) corpus of over 800 million tweets in response to a search query and display topic & sentiment analysis dashboards powered by D3.js plots.

TASA Animated GIF


his demo is not self-contained. There is a webserver component and there is a back-end Greenplum Database Component. This repo only contains the webserver component. To be able to get a fully functional demo, you'll have to build the back-end database, install the libraries (MADlib, GPText) and load a dataset as well. Please contact the author if you interested in going through all that.

We recommend that you install Anaconda Python for building this demo. Additionally, you will also need to install the psycopg2 library (run: conda install psycopg2 in your Anaconda environment). You should also be able to connect to the Pivotal GPDB DCA (which means you should be within Pivotal PA VPN).


You'll have to create a config file to connect to your backend database. Create a file in your home directory ~/.dbconn.config like so:

user = gpadmin
password = XXXXX
hostname = (or the IP of your DB server)
port = 5432 (the port# of your DB)
database = vatsandb (the database you wish to connect to)

Starting the webserver

You can start the development server by running the script $NLPDEMO_HOME/nlpdemo/deploy. This will start the dev server on localhost on port:8081

New UI Code

Note that Ruby 2.1.1 and Bundler is required to develop and to compile the assets. A tool such as may be useful. RVM installs both Ruby and Bundler. You may need to install RVM and bundler like so:

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
gem install bundler
rvm install ruby-2.1.1

Additionally you'll also need to install phantomjs for your browser (Chrome). Checkout

Start the Rails development server:

cd nlpdemo/tasa
bundle install
bin/rails server

The Rails server serves the development assets at: http://localhost:3000 Before deploying, compile the UI assets via:

cd tasa
RAILS_ENV=production rake compile

If rake fails complaining that the folder webserver/common/static/tasa does not exist, create it and re-run rake. Start the Django server:

cd nlpdemo

Adding a New Visualization

We have an example of how to add a time series graph in the new-visualization-example branch.

git branch -a
git checkout new-visualization-example

See the most recent commit on that branch for the example code.

PCF Deployment

The file manifest.yml defined the buildpacks and other params relevant for a cf push. The app can be pushed to your PCF instance using the following command:

cf push tasacf -f manifest.yml

User Provided Service

Create user provided service for database creds:

cf cups tasacreds -p '{"hostname":"<hostname>","username":"<user>","password":"<password>", "databasename":"<database>", "port":"<port>" }'

Bind the service to the app using:

cf bind-service tasacf tasacreds

Accessing the demo

Currently the demo is accessible at:


Srivatsan Ramanujam, Apr-Aug 2013


Ofri Afek (Design)
Vinson Chuong (Dev)
Greg Cobb (Dev) 
Joelle Gernez (PM)
Jarrod Vawdrey (DS)


Topic and sentiment analysis of tweets (demo)



Language:Python 47.5%Language:JavaScript 19.2%Language:CSS 11.7%Language:Ruby 10.9%Language:HTML 10.4%Language:Shell 0.2%