HQ Trivia Bot
HQ Trivia Bot is a simple bot made with NodeJS that work with OCR and Google to help you find the right answer.
I made it for entertainement purposes only.
This vid shows how to set the bot up
Getting the bot
Get the latest version of the bot from GitHub using Git or download the repository as a ZIP file. (Download)
git clone https://github.com/maxenxe/HQ-Trivia-Bot.git
Before you begin
Go to the HQ-Trivia-Bot folder and install the modules required.
npm install
You'll need a software to cast your screen photo to your PC, for this project I used AirDroid, you only need it on your phone.
You'll also need a software that can tell you where your cursor is on your screen.
Install GraphicsMagik.
Install tesseract-ocr and add it to your PATH environment variable.
Setting up the bot
As you can see on this image, we need two coordinates to resize the question.
Once you have those 2 coordinates, just do (bottom-right coordinates) - (top-left coordinates).
With the image the result is (870;280).
Go line 34 in bot.js and replace .crop('389','200', '587', '198')
by .crop('the result x', 'the result y', 'top-left-x','top-left-y')
top-left-x is the x coordinate from the top-left point
top-left-y is the y coordinate from the top-left point
the result x is the x coordinate from (bottom-right coordinates) - (top-left coordinates)
the result y is the y coordinate from (bottom-right coordinates) - (top-left coordinates)
Do the same for the answers at line 19.
Run Locally
This is it, now you have to cast your screen open a terminal at your Hq-Trivia-Bot folder.
Run node bot.js
or npm start
and the bot will start.
It'll browse the internet to find the answer.