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Repository for 16-833: Robot Localization and Mapping taken at Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute

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Installalation Manual for Place Recognition and SO-DSO

Place Recognition


1. SO-DSO Installation

  • To install SO-DSO, first you need to install DSO and catkin

  • Here are steps to install DSO. Only listed the steps that are necessary.

1.1 DSO Installation Requirement

Reference DSO

suitesparse and eigen3.

Install with

sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev

Install with

sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

Install from

git clone
cd dso
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4

This will compile a library libdso.a, which can be linked from external projects. If there is any confusion please refer to the original DSO repo

1.2 catkin Installation Requirement

Reference catkin

Install prebuilt package from the ubuntu
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-catkin

If it does not work, you may need to install from source

Install from source
git clone
sudo apt-get install cmake python-catkin-pkg python-empy python-nose python-setuptools 
libgtest-dev build-essential
cd catkin
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ && make && sudo make install

Please refer to the reference catkin if there is anything goes wrong. The tricky part is that you still need to use sudo apt-get install to install some ROG related packages. You may install the corresponding packages when you see the errors during the installation of SO-DSO.

1.3 SO-DSO Intallation

Reference SO-DSO

export DSO_PATH=[PATH_TO_DSO]/dso

You need to set DSO_PATH to the dso folder before you install the SO-DSO. There would also be a error suggestion if you did not set the path correctly. Then

mkdir ~/catkin
mkdir ~/catkin/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone 
cd ~/catkin_ws

Place Recognition

Reference Place Recognition Run the matlab files (test_kitti.m test_robotcar.m) in Place Recognition


Repository for 16-833: Robot Localization and Mapping taken at Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute


Language:Python 98.9%Language:Shell 1.1%