vim-ipythonsend is a tiny plugin that allows you to send lines of python code to an ipython shell running in a terminal buffer.
Add to your .vimrc
Plugin 'varung/vim-ipythonsend'
then open VIM, install
Open a terminal buffer containing ipython: :terminal ipython
Switch buffers.
Select some python code Type ei (e.g., \ei) if your is \
The code will be sent and executed in the ipython buffer using %cpaste If you want to send the code as if you typed it, use ex.
By default it will use the terminal buffer with the highest buffer number. You can override the target terminal by :let g:terminal_buffer=X where X is the id of the buffer.
Type :buffers to see all the buffers and their ids.
This plugin uses :py3 Type :py3 print("hello world") If you don't see hello world, this plugin will not work.