varmd / wayward

Fast desktop shell for wayland and weston.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Package in the AUR

TheJackiMonster opened this issue · comments

Do you plan on providing a package in the AUR as well? I mean it's easy to build the package via PKGBUILD from source cloning the repository but this could be automated using an AUR-helper. I think the PKGBUILD would only need a source attribute for a wayward-git package.


There are prebuilt binaries in the Releases. It also takes couple of seconds to build with few dependencies. And it is pretty stable as I have been using it for several years already with very few crashes.

So there is little need for AUR and I can't support it since I don't use AUR helpers.

Because I personally prefer using an AUR helper, I have created a package now:

However it does not install the binaries but it builds from source because I don't like manually replacing urls to the binaries each release. I just thought a package updating process could be integrated into the release process. But I don't think it's necessary.

Anyway keep up the great work.