varkenvarken / Point

Some code to control model railroad points (switches) with Raspberry Pi controlled servos

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Some code to control model railroad points (switches) with Raspberry Pi controlled servos.

It provides a Point and a PointCollection class that encapsulate a single point and a collection of points respectively. The PointCollection class can read and write to a json file.

It also provides a simple Server class that provides REST services to manage a single PointCollection and persists all information in a file points.json. The idea here is to provide a simple remote control mechanism for the collection of points.

The server can be run even without a PCA9685 controller present on the i2c bus, so that development and testing is possible outside a RaspberryPi environment.

The servo controller hat I use is from Waveshare and it is available from various RaspberryPi resellers. I guess it will work with any PCA9685 based controller (which is actually a programmable LED driver) but as always, anything you do with the software is completely at your own risk.

An Android app to interact with the REST server is provided as well and is available in a separate project

Table of contents


REST interface




Running as a daemon




To run a server that listens on (i.e. all interfaces on localhost) simply do

python -m point

The synopsis for the program is

usage: python -m point [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-s SERVER] [-p PORT] [--key KEY]
                       [--cert CERT] [-x] [--secret SECRET] [-m] [-i I2C]

A REST server to control a PCA9685 based servo hat on a RaspberryPi

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        location of the json file that stores the point data,
                        default points.json
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        hostname or ip address the server will listen on,
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port the server will listen on, default 8080
  --key KEY             location of the key file, default key.pem
  --cert CERT           location of the key file, default cert.pem
  -x, --nossl           Use http instead of https
  --secret SECRET       Filename of server name:password to use in basic
                        authentication, default secret
  -m, --mock            do not run an actual servo controller
  -i I2C, --i2c I2C     address of the controller on the i2c bus, default 0x40

REST interface

The whole purpose of the server is to provide a REST interface to control the points connected to the servo hat. The idea is to do this with the help of an Android app, but as you can see in the Example section you can use a command line tool like httpie or curl to test it.

All methods return JSON

GET /points

return info about all points

GET /point/ID

return info about a single point with the given ID. It also returns a list of free ports. This is a bit a a dirty way to implement things but that way all information about a point, including which other ports it may be assigned to are present in one chunk of data. That makes an app designer's life a bit easier.

GET /server/info

return some general server info

POST /points/add

add a new point. It will be given an initial name and assigned the first free port and will start in a disabled state.



ID is the id of a point. ACTION is

  • moveleft or left, this switches the point to its leftmost position
  • moveright or right, this switches the point to its rightmost position
  • enable enables the switch
  • disable disables the swich (servo commands are not executed)
  • start switches the point to its default position (left or right)
  • save the body will contain a JSON object with the new values for a points attributes


  • left set the leftmost position to VALUE ( between -1.0 and 1.0 )
  • right set the rightmost position to VALUE ( between -1.0 and 1.0 )
  • mid set the middle position to VALUE ( between -1.0 and 1.0 )
  • deltat set the time to wait to VALUE (in seconds) between servo steps
  • speed set the speed of the point to VALUE (in units per second)
  • port set the port of the point to VALUE (between 0 and 15)
  • pointtype set the point type to VALUE (left, right, curved left, curved right, wye, double, triple)
  • default set the default position to VALUE (left or right)
  • description set a description for this point (VALUE is max 1024 characters).
DELETE /point/ID

will delete the point with the given ID. The last point cannot be deleted.


The code is developed for Python 3.8 and newer and as far as I can tell the smbus module on the Raspberry only works for Python < 3.5. To deal with that we need the smbus2 package, which can be installed from PyPi.

  • python 3.8.9 (including all standard modules)
  • smbus2

Note that I followed the installation instruction fro Python from but it wasn quite the ultimate answer to everything.

I had to install libssl-dev (to get pip to work) and libffi-dev (because otherwise smbus2 complained about missing a _ctypes module):

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

only then could I succesfully compile python 3.8.9 from scratch.


Installing requires installing the one external dependency, cloning the repository, generating a self signed certificate and storing a key:password combo, for example:

python -m pip install smbus2
git clone
cd Point
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
echo key:secret > secret
mkdir backup

There is no setup script included for now, but at this point you could simply do

sudo PYTHONPATH=./src python -m point

The sudo is only needed if your user does not have access to the i2c bus. (And of course i2c must be enabled and your servo hat installed :-)


After running the server for the first time, you could run the following commands to create and test a single point. We use https (from to test against the server running with a self signed certificate (hence the --verify no). Note that every request needs to be authenticated.

Tip: if you want to test the server or just make sure that new points will not actually issues commands on the i2c bus, run the server with the --mock option. It will then still populate and update the points database, but never try to move the servo.

 https --verify no -a key:secret GET ''
 https --verify no -a key:secret POST ''
 https --verify no -a key:secret PUT ''
 https --verify no -a key:secret PUT ''
 https --verify no -a key:secret PUT ''
 https --verify no -a key:secret PUT ''

We have abbreviated the GUID for the point added in the second line to bd560...0c32a. Yours will be different.

Every command returns a chunk of JSON data representing the state of the object last touched, so a typical action will show:

    "freeports": [0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15],
    "point": {
        "_left": -0.3,
        "_mid": -0.02,
        "_right": 0.3,
        "current": -0.3,
        "default": "left",
        "deltat": 0.02,
        "description": "A point",
        "enabled": true,
        "index": "bd560a2618854204a933f6950fd0c32a",
        "name": "Point 1",
        "pointtype": "right",
        "port": 1,
        "speed": 0.5

You could now move the new point (assuming you don't run the server with --mock)

https --verify no -a key:secret PUT ''
https --verify no -a key:secret PUT ''

Running as a daemon

On my Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu, I created the following file /home/michel/bin/point-daemon

PYTHONPATH=/home/michel/Point/src python -m point --config /home/michel/Point/points.json --secret /home/michel/Point/secret --backup /home/michel/Point/backup --key /home/michel/Certificates/  --cert /home/michel/Certificates/ --log /var/log/points.log

That is one long line gathering all relevant options and a proper PYTHONPATH.

I then created the file /lib/systemd/system/point-daemon.service

Description=Point controller service

ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/point-daemon


I then restarted systemd, enabled this service (so it will start at reboot) and started it

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable point-daemon.service
sudo systemctl start point-daemon.service

You can verify the status with sudo systemctl status point-daemon.service It will show something like:

● point-daemon.service - Point controller service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/point-daemon.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-05-01 17:06:16 CEST; 9min ago
  Process: 1735 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/point-daemon (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1738 (point-daemon)
    Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/point-daemon.service
           ├─1738 /bin/bash /home/michel/bin/point-daemon
           └─1740 python -m point --config /home/michel/Point/points.json --secret /home/michel/Point/secret --backup /home/michel/Point/backup --key 

May 01 17:06:16 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Point controller service...
May 01 17:06:16 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Point controller service.
May 01 17:06:16 raspberrypi point-daemon[1738]: Listening on JSON file used: /home/michel/Point/points.json. args.mock=False

Note that only things written to stderr will show up in the daemon log. You can inspect that too, with sudo journalctl -u point-daemon

The access log is written to the logfile specified with --log.

Note that after reboot it may take a few seconds before the service is accessible. Even though the daemon will show up in the process list and will be listening on, the actual network stack may need longer to fully setup.


The current setup is insecure: The server is required to run with elevated privileges to access the i2c bus and for now we do this by running the server as root.

It might be a better idea to create a dedicated user for this and add it to the i2c group as documented here:

Every REST call does need to be pre-authenticated, i.e. must supply a basic authentication header. It is therefore a good idea to always run the server with https enabled (the default) and make sure that both certificate files and the secret are stored in files that can only be read by the server process.


The PCA9685 module is largely based on the original one supplied with the Waveshare Servo hat. I replaced the smbus import for a smbus2 import (to make everything work with Python versions newer than 3.5)


Some code to control model railroad points (switches) with Raspberry Pi controlled servos

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%