varelaerick / Price-Predictor-Bras-lia-Apartments

3 - Personal Project - Data Cleaning - Price Predictor - Brasília Apartments

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Price Predictor - Brasília Apartments - Project Overview


The project's main objective was to work with a messy data set extracted from the web and even with a relatively small dataset with a few features. I spent a lot of time in the feature engineering processes to be able to build a regression model that gives us a good score.


  • Created a predictor that estimates the Brasilia apartments prices to help buyers and sellers to deal
  • Scraped over 3000 apartments for sale from Vila Real using python and selenium
  • Engineered features from the Address filled by the sellers to get the Address, neighborhood, and the AR (administrative region) correctly returned by the Correios API.
  • Built a pipeline that optimized Lasso, KernelRidge, Elastic Net, XGBRegressor, and LGBRegressor using GridsearchCV to reach the best model.

Resources Used

Python Version: 3.7
Packages: pandas, numpy, selenium, bs4, consulta_correios, unidecode, geopy, six, math, folium, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, xgboost, lightgbm, yellowbrick, joblib
Correios API Github:

Web Scraping

I scraped over 3000 apartments from all over Brasília from Viva Real website. With each apartment, we got the Address, the title, the area in m², the number of rooms, the number of bathrooms, the number of garages, the condo fees, the price, and the amenities items.

Feature Engineering

After scraping, I needed to clean it up to be usable for our model. I made the following changes and created the following features:

  • Dropped the null features
  • Cleaned the address columns and sent parts of the Address to de Correio API to get the correct Address and define the Neighborhood and AR column.
  • Filled all Address null values
  • Filled all the Neighborhood null values
  • Filled all AR null values
  • Filled the apartments characteristics looking for the median of the addresses, neighborhoods, or RAs.
  • Got the Geo Location using geocoder to calculate and create the column Distance to the Downtown
  • Made a new column for Per Capita Income (PCI) of the ARs scrapped from Wikipedia
  • Made a new column for Population of the ARs scrapped from Wikipedia

Data Visualization and Data Preparation

To understand and prepare the DataFrame for the modeling I plotted a few visualizations.

  • Frist, before dropping latitude and longitude, I plotted the apartments on the map.

  • Second, I plotted the DF as Box Plot and looked for some inaccuracy and outliers

  • Third, to understand the normalization, I plotted the distribution before and after normalization and scale.

  • Fourth, I used a Heat Map to visualize the personal correlation.


First, I transformed the categorical variables into dummy variables and also split the data into train and test sets with a test size of 30%. I tried Lasso (l1), Kernel Ridge (l2), Elastic NNet, Xgb Regressor, and Lgbm Regressor to choose the best model. I created a Pipeline with Hyperparameter Tuning using Grid Search, and 10 K-Folds shuffled. The score used will be neg_root_mean_squared_error.

Model performance

The best model was XGBRegressor reaching the following scores in the test set:

  • Mean absolute error = 0.18703
  • Mean squared error = 0.38578
  • Median absolute error = 0.09873
  • Explain variance score = 0.85117
  • R2 score = 0.85117

Author: Erick C. Varela
Date: 17/12/2020

For the full dynamic visualizations:


3 - Personal Project - Data Cleaning - Price Predictor - Brasília Apartments


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%