Telesign is a Vapor helper to use TelesignKit
In your Package.swift
file, add the following.
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
To use Telesign in your Vapor application, set the environment variable for you API key and Customer ID.
export TELESIGN_API_KEY="my_api_key"
export TELESIGN_CUSTOMER_ID="my_customer_id"
Now you can access a TelesignClient
via Request
or Application
func sendSMS(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPStatus> {
return req.telesign.messaging.send(phoneNumber: "1234567890",
message: "Hello Vapor!",
messageType: .ARN,
accountLifecycleEvent: nil,
senderId: nil,
externalId: nil,
originatingIp: nil).transform(to: .ok)