vapor-community / PassKit

🎟️ πŸ“¦ A package for creating passes and orders for Apple Wallet with Vapor.

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Documentation Team Chat MIT License Continuous Integration Swift 5.10+

🎟️ πŸ“¦ A Vapor package which handles all the server side elements required to implement Apple Wallet passes and orders.

Major Releases

The table below shows a list of PassKit major releases alongside their compatible Swift versions.

Version Swift SPM
0.4.0 5.10+ from: "0.4.0"
0.2.0 5.9+ from: "0.2.0"
0.1.0 5.9+ from: "0.1.0"

Use the SPM string to easily include the dependendency in your Package.swift file

.package(url: "", from: "0.4.0")

Note: This package is made for Vapor 4.

🎟️ Wallet Passes

Add the Passes product to your target's dependencies:

.product(name: "Passes", package: "PassKit")

Implement your pass data model

Your data model should contain all the fields that you store for your pass, as well as a foreign key for the pass itself.

import Fluent
import struct Foundation.UUID
import Passes

final class PassData: PassDataModel, @unchecked Sendable {
    static let schema = "pass_data"

    var id: UUID?

    @Parent(key: "pass_id")
    var pass: PKPass

    // Examples of other extra fields:
    @Field(key: "punches")
    var punches: Int

    @Field(key: "title")
    var title: String

    // Add any other field relative to your app, such as a location, a date, etc.

    init() { }

struct CreatePassData: AsyncMigration {
    public func prepare(on database: Database) async throws {
        try await database.schema(Self.schema)
            .field("pass_id", .uuid, .required, .references(PKPass.schema, .id, onDelete: .cascade))
            .field("punches", .int, .required)
            .field("title", .string, .required)
    public func revert(on database: Database) async throws {
        try await database.schema(Self.schema).delete()

Handle cleanup

Depending on your implementation details, you'll likely want to automatically clean out the passes and devices table when a registration is deleted. You'll need to implement based on your type of SQL database as there's not yet a Fluent way to implement something like SQL's NOT EXISTS call with a DELETE statement. If you're using PostgreSQL, you can setup these triggers/methods:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public."RemoveUnregisteredItems"() RETURNS trigger
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$BEGIN  
       DELETE FROM devices d
           SELECT 1
           FROM passes_registrations r
           WHERE d."id" = r.device_id
           LIMIT 1
       DELETE FROM passes p
           SELECT 1
           FROM passes_registrations r
           WHERE p."id" = r.pass_id
           LIMIT 1
       RETURN OLD;

CREATE TRIGGER "OnRegistrationDelete" 
AFTER DELETE ON "public"."passes_registrations"
EXECUTE PROCEDURE "public"."RemoveUnregisteredItems"();


Be careful with SQL triggers, as they can have unintended consequences if not properly implemented.

Model the pass.json contents

Create a struct that implements PassJSON which will contain all the fields for the generated pass.json file. Create an initializer that takes your custom pass data, the PKPass and everything else you may need.


For information on the various keys available see the documentation. See also this guide for some help.

Here's an example of a struct that implements PassJSON.

import Passes

struct PassJSONData: PassJSON {
    let description: String
    let formatVersion = 1
    let organizationName = "vapor-community"
    let passTypeIdentifier = Environment.get("PASSKIT_PASS_TYPE_IDENTIFIER")!
    let serialNumber: String
    let teamIdentifier = Environment.get("APPLE_TEAM_IDENTIFIER")!

    private let webServiceURL = ""
    private let authenticationToken: String
    private let logoText = "Vapor"
    private let sharingProhibited = true
    let backgroundColor = "rgb(207, 77, 243)"
    let foregroundColor = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"

    let barcodes = Barcode(message: "test")
    struct Barcode: Barcodes {
        let format = BarcodeFormat.qr
        let message: String
        let messageEncoding = "iso-8859-1"

    let boardingPass = Boarding(transitType: .air)
    struct Boarding: BoardingPass {
        let transitType: TransitType
        let headerFields: [PassField]
        let primaryFields: [PassField]
        let secondaryFields: [PassField]
        let auxiliaryFields: [PassField]
        let backFields: [PassField]

        struct PassField: PassFieldContent {
            let key: String
            let label: String
            let value: String

        init(transitType: TransitType) {
            self.headerFields = [.init(key: "header", label: "Header", value: "Header")]
            self.primaryFields = [.init(key: "primary", label: "Primary", value: "Primary")]
            self.secondaryFields = [.init(key: "secondary", label: "Secondary", value: "Secondary")]
            self.auxiliaryFields = [.init(key: "auxiliary", label: "Auxiliary", value: "Auxiliary")]
            self.backFields = [.init(key: "back", label: "Back", value: "Back")]
            self.transitType = transitType

    init(data: PassData, pass: PKPass) {
        self.description = data.title
        self.serialNumber =!.uuidString
        self.authenticationToken = pass.authenticationToken


You must add api/passes/ to your webServiceURL, as shown in the example above.

Implement the delegate.

Create a delegate file that implements PassesDelegate. In the sslSigningFilesDirectory you specify there must be the WWDR.pem, passcertificate.pem and passkey.pem files. If they are named like that you're good to go, otherwise you have to specify the custom name.


Obtaining the three certificates files could be a bit tricky. You could get some guidance from this guide and this video.

There are other fields available which have reasonable default values. See the delegate's documentation.

Because the files for your pass' template and the method of encoding might vary by pass type, you'll be provided the pass for those methods.

import Vapor
import Fluent
import Passes

final class PassDelegate: PassesDelegate {
    let sslSigningFilesDirectory = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Certificates/Passes/", isDirectory: true)

    let pemPrivateKeyPassword: String? = Environment.get("PEM_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD")!

    func encode<P: PassModel>(pass: P, db: Database, encoder: JSONEncoder) async throws -> Data {
        // The specific PassData class you use here may vary based on the pass.type if you have multiple
        // different types of passes, and thus multiple types of pass data.
        guard let passData = try await PassData.query(on: db)
            .filter(\.$pass.$id ==!)
        else {
            throw Abort(.internalServerError)
        guard let data = try? encoder.encode(PassJSONData(data: passData, pass: pass)) else {
            throw Abort(.internalServerError)
        return data

    func template<P: PassModel>(for: P, db: Database) async throws -> URL {
        // The location might vary depending on the type of pass.
        return URL(fileURLWithPath: "Templates/Passes/", isDirectory: true)


You must explicitly declare pemPrivateKeyPassword as a String? or Swift will ignore it as it'll think it's a String instead.

Register Routes

Next, register the routes in routes.swift. This will implement all of the routes that PassKit expects to exist on your server for you.

import Vapor
import Passes

let passDelegate = PassDelegate()

func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
    let passesService = PassesService(app: app, delegate: passDelegate)


Notice how the delegate is created as a global variable. You need to ensure that the delegate doesn't go out of scope as soon as the routes(_:) method exits!

Push Notifications

If you wish to include routes specifically for sending push notifications to updated passes you can also include this line in your routes(_:) method. You'll need to pass in whatever Middleware you want Vapor to use to authenticate the two routes.


If you don't include this line, you have to configure an APNS container yourself

try passesService.registerPushRoutes(middleware: SecretMiddleware(secret: "foo"))

That will add two routes:

  • POST .../api/passes/v1/push/:passTypeIdentifier/:passSerial (Sends notifications)
  • GET .../api/passes/v1/push/:passTypeIdentifier/:passSerial (Retrieves a list of push tokens which would be sent a notification)

Pass data model middleware

Whether you include the routes or not, you'll want to add a model middleware that sends push notifications and updates the updatedAt field when your pass data updates. The model middleware could also create and link the PKPass during the creation of the pass data, depending on your requirements.

You can implement it like so:

import Vapor
import Fluent
import Passes

struct PassDataMiddleware: AsyncModelMiddleware {
    private unowned let app: Application

    init(app: Application) { = app

    // Create the PKPass and add it to the PassData automatically at creation
    func create(model: PassData, on db: Database, next: AnyAsyncModelResponder) async throws {
        let pkPass = PKPass(
            passTypeIdentifier: "",
            authenticationToken: Data([UInt8].random(count: 12)).base64EncodedString())
        try await db)
        model.$ = try pkPass.requireID()
        try await next.create(model, on: db)

    func update(model: PassData, on db: Database, next: AnyAsyncModelResponder) async throws {
        let pkPass = try await model.$pass.get(on: db)
        pkPass.updatedAt = Date()
        try await db)
        try await next.update(model, on: db)
        try await PassesService.sendPushNotifications(for: pkPass, on: db, app:

and register it in configure.swift:

app.databases.middleware.use(PassDataMiddleware(app: app), on: .psql)


Whenever your pass data changes, you must update the updatedAt time of the linked pass so that Apple knows to send you a new pass.


If you did not include the routes, remember to configure APNSwift yourself like this:

let apnsConfig: APNSClientConfiguration
if let pemPrivateKeyPassword {
    apnsConfig = APNSClientConfiguration(
        authenticationMethod: try .tls(
            privateKey: .privateKey(
                NIOSSLPrivateKey(file: privateKeyPath, format: .pem) { closure in
            certificateChain: NIOSSLCertificate.fromPEMFile(pemPath).map { .certificate($0) }
        environment: .production
} else {
    apnsConfig = APNSClientConfiguration(
        authenticationMethod: try .tls(
            privateKey: .file(privateKeyPath),
            certificateChain: NIOSSLCertificate.fromPEMFile(pemPath).map { .certificate($0) }
        environment: .production
    eventLoopGroupProvider: .shared(app.eventLoopGroup),
    responseDecoder: JSONDecoder(),
    requestEncoder: JSONEncoder(),
    as: .init(string: "passes"),
    isDefault: false

Custom Implementation

If you don't like the schema names that are used by default, you can instead create your own models conforming to PassModel, DeviceModel, PassesRegistrationModel and ErrorLogModel and instantiate the generic PassesServiceCustom, providing it your model types.

import PassKit
import Passes

let passesService = PassesServiceCustom<MyPassType, MyDeviceType, MyPassesRegistrationType, MyErrorLogType>(app: app, delegate: delegate)

The DeviceModel and ErrorLogModel protocols are found inside the the PassKit product. If you want to customize the devices and error logs models you have to add it to the package manifest:

.product(name: "PassKit", package: "PassKit")

Register Migrations

If you're using the default schemas provided by this package you can register the default models in your configure(_:) method:

PassesService.register(migrations: app.migrations)


Register the default models before the migration of your pass data model.

Generate Pass Content

To generate and distribute the .pkpass bundle, pass the PassesService object to your RouteCollection:

import Fluent
import Vapor
import Passes

struct PassesController: RouteCollection {
    let passesService: PassesService

    func boot(routes: RoutesBuilder) throws {

and then use it in route handlers:

fileprivate func passHandler(_ req: Request) async throws -> Response {
    guard let passData = try await PassData.query(on: req.db)
    else {
        throw Abort(.notFound)

    let bundle = try await passesService.generatePassContent(for: passData.pass, on: req.db)
    let body = Response.Body(data: bundle)
    var headers = HTTPHeaders()
    headers.add(name: .contentType, value: "application/")
    headers.add(name: .contentDisposition, value: "attachment; filename=pass.pkpass") // Add this header only if you are serving the pass in a web page
    headers.add(name: .lastModified, value: String(passData.pass.updatedAt?.timeIntervalSince1970 ?? 0))
    headers.add(name: .contentTransferEncoding, value: "binary")
    return Response(status: .ok, headers: headers, body: body)

πŸ“¦ Wallet Orders

Add the Orders product to your target's dependencies:

.product(name: "Orders", package: "PassKit")


The Orders is WIP, right now you can only set up the models and generate .order bundles. APNS support and order updates will be added soon. See the Orders target's documentation.