Vandit (vandittalwadia)


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Vandit's repositories


Docket-NoteTaker is a web app using Hibernate and servlet-jsp frameworks which enable users to take important notes any time , enlist their todo tasks and save them . User can update his notes or delete it when not required. Hibernate performs as an object-relational mapping framework .The database is efficiently managed by a robust ORM engine.



Final year project: Dataset gathered, cleaned, and customer classified. Administrator registers, logs in with credentials and OTP, enters customer details to evaluate churn status. Churn Reports can be downloaded, and Tableau provides interactive visualizations for feature correlation. For more details please find the Research Paper link in readme.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


A C++ program to simulate the system Pizza parlor accepting maximum M orders using circular queue using array. Orders are served in first come first served basis. Order once placed cannot be cancelled.



The aim of this project is to design and develop a database maintaining the records of different train, train status , passenger details and their reservation details . The System facilitates the Passengers to enquire about the trains available and make reservation accordingly. Train details are added by admin through admin login. Tools and Tech used: Java , Mysql , Java Swing GUI Toolkit , Netbeans IDE



Developed a banking application using java , swing , AWT , MySQL that can be used for transferring money between customers and maintaining the transaction details effectively.



The Comparator interface in Java provides a way to define custom comparison logic for objects. It allows objects to be sorted and compared based on specific criteria, facilitating flexible sorting and ordering operations.



REST API is created using springboot tool , client can send an api request for adding,updating,deleting,displaying courses. This is done using the POSTMAN tool, the data is received back over the HTTP protocol using methods like GET,POST,PUT etc. Data is send and received in JSON format through Controllers,Services,Repository,Database layers.



BFS (Breadth-First Search) Traversal: It explores a graph by visiting all nodes at the current level before moving to the next level, ensuring the shortest path is found first. DFS (Depth-First Search) Traversal: It explores a graph by diving as deep as possible into a branch before backtracking.



A simple guessing game using java in which the system generates a random number and the player has to guess it in minimum number of moves so as to score maximum points.



In this library information and management system , we can enter the record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the library. We can issue the books to the students , students can return the book within a given period of time else fine would be charged . We can maintain the record of books , deletion addition of new books and students.



This is a basic library management system which performs the important functions required in real world Library Management such as adding a new book , issuing a book , getting info of available books , returning book ..using object oriented programming concepts and data structures in java.



This repository contains seven practicals with their source code and datasets for high performance computing and deep learning



A dynamic website of a Company for its clients so that they can easily find details related to the company , they can contact with the company easily and get its services by providing their details . User's state is maintained in database.

Language:HackStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0 is java web application.It gives an effective platform to bloggers,writers,readers where they can share their knowledge on different topics in a appealing way . User can create his post by selecting from the various categories and adding title,content,images and can share it .They can filter posts from different categories easily .



This repository includes simple java projects.



A basic Todo application using React Js library that have functionalities like add task , display list of tasks , show task status completed/not completed , change status , delete task . It uses useState hook that allowed use of state variables in functional components , also used methods like map and filter for updating the Todo list.



University Exam Sign up is a single page dynamic java web app made using technologies including JSP , Servlets , AJAX , JQuery , HTML, CSS, JS , MYSQL. The form accepts exam details of students like profile picture , roll number , name , country state details and stores it successfully in database in a single click avoiding redirection on another page and sending requests again and again to servlet , which makes it faster and efficient.



Unwind is an application which provides multiple activities to the user like recommending interesting books ,listening music , knowing interesting technical facts by which user can feel refresh and relaxed after a stressful busy day.



Hello there , Myself Vandit Talwadia currently pursuing BE in Computer Engineering from Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology Pune . Along with this I have done internships in fields related to development and testing . I have done projects in application and web development using technologies like Java , mysql , data structures , html , css . Apart from this I have participated in coding contests and hackathons.
