vandaimer / nvim

My NeoVim Setup

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My NeoVim Setup

I start using VIM with .vimrc generated by Vim Bootstrap. The Vim Bootstrap to help me start with VIM. So, I just wore, I didn't know how configure nothing, just add new plugins.

A someday, at night, I watch the a video that teach HOW to start with NeoVim (from zero). After that, I decide learn more, re-watch the video and understand what each things do.

As I already had my .vimrc, I get the suggestions in the video, and append the plugins that I like in my VIM, so I make a mix between my .vimrc from Vim Bootstrap and the suggestions presented in video.

Use yourself (tutorial for Unix like S.O)

  • After installed the NeoVIm (In my case I use ArchLinux, I installed with sudo pacman -Ss neovim command).
  • Install the neovim package for python3, because has a plugin dependency it. sudo pip3 install neovim
  • Install the the_silver_searcher package in your S.O, because has a plugin dependency it. sudo pacman -S the_silver_searcher
  • Create the ~/.config/nvim directory on your home. mkdir ~/.config/nvim -m.
  • You need download the init.vim file and put in ~/.config/nvim directory.
  • You need install the vim-plug package before. So, run this command curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs or check out here how you need do it.
  • Run NeoVim. Use nvim command.
  • Now you need install all the plugins, type :PlugInstall and type Enter.
  • After that, you need close the NeoVim and open again.
  • Done!!
  • I suggest for you read about each plugins and commands, to be powerful like NeoVim using it.


My NeoVim Setup


Language:Vim Snippet 51.1%Language:Vim Script 48.9%