valsorym / env

The env package implements a set of functions of the environment management.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go Report Card License


Package env it's simple lib for manage environment's variables, parse and convert it into Go-structures.

The env package allows to control environment's variables:

  • set, read and delete variables;
  • load or update environment's variables from env-file;
  • to unmarshal environment variables into Go-structure;
  • to marshal Go-structure's fields into environment.

Quick example

Let’s imagine the task. There is a web-project that is develop and tests on the local computer and deploys on the production server. On the production server some settings (for example host and port) enforced seated in an environment but on the local computer data must be loaded from the file (because different team members have different launch options).

For example, the local-configuration file .env with variables look likes:


# In configurations file and/or in the environment there can be
# a many of variables that willn't be parsed, like this:

So, make test project like main.go. We need to load the missing configurations from the file into the environment. Convert data from the environment into Go-structure. And to use this data to start the server.

Note: We need to load the missing variables but not update the existing ones.

package main

import (


// Config it's struct of the server configuration.
type Config struct {
	Host         string   `env:"HOST"`
	Port         int      `env:"PORT"`
	AllowedHosts []string `env:"ALLOWED_HOSTS,,:"` // parse by `:`.

	// P.s. It isn't necessary to specify all the keys
	// that are available in the environment.

// Addr returns the server's address - concatenate host
// and port into one string.
func (c *Config) Addr() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.Host, c.Port)

// Home it is handler of the home page.
func Home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World!")

func main() {
	var config = Config{}

	// Load configurations from the env-file into an environment.
	// P.s. We use the Load (but not Update) method for as not to overwrite
	// the data in the environment because on the production server this
	// data can be set forcibly.
	env.Load(".env") // set correct the path to the file with variables

	// Parsing of the environment data and storing the result
	// into object by pointer.

	// Make routing.
	http.HandleFunc("/", Home)

	// Run.
	log.Printf("Server started on %s\n", config.Addr())
	log.Printf("Allowed hosts: %v\n", config.AllowedHosts)
	http.ListenAndServe(config.Addr(), nil)


Marshal/Unmarshal methods supports the following field's types: int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uin, uint8, uin16, uint32, uin64, float32, float64, string, bool, url.URL and pointers, array or slice from thous types (i.e. *int, ..., []int, ..., []bool, ..., [2]*url.URL, etc.). The nested structures will be processed recursively.

For other filed's types (like chan or map ...) will be returned an error.


package main

import (


type Address struct {
	City string `env:"CITY"`

type User struct {
	Name        string   `env:"NAME"`
	Address     *Address `env:"ADDRESS"`       // can be as pointer
	Permissions []bool   `env:"PERMISSIONS,,;"` // separator like `;`

type Client struct {
	ID       int      // default env-variable name
	Email    string   `env:"EMAIL"`
	HomePage *url.URL `env:"HOME_PAGE"` // can be as pointer
	User     User     `env:"USER"`      // ... or like value

func main() {
	var clientA, clientB Client
	clientA = Client{
		ID:       3,
		Email:    "",
		HomePage: &url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: ""},
		User: User{
			Name:        "valsorym",
			Address:     &Address{City: "Chernihiv"},
			Permissions: []bool{true, true, true, false, false},

	// Save data of the clientA.
	if _, err := env.Marshal(clientA); err != nil {

	// Load data into clientB.
	if err := env.Unmarshal(&clientB); err != nil { // need to use pointer

	// Obect clientB:
	// clientB.ID                // 3
	// clientB.Email             //
	// clientB.HomePage.String() //
	// clientB.User.Name         // valsorym
	// clientB.User.Address.City // Chernihiv
	// clientB.User.Permissions  // [true true true false false]

	// Envirenment:
	// ID=3
	// USER_NAME=valsorym
	// USER_PERMISSIONS=true;true;true;false;false

Get lib

Use go get:

$ go get -u

or as git clone and make link in $GOPATH:

$ mkdir -p ~/workspace && \
  cd ~/workspace && \
  git clone && \
  cd env && \
  make link

To use the env package import it as:

import (
    // ...



The Load to loads data from env-file into environment without replacing existing values. During loading replaces ${var} or $var in the string based on the data in the environment.

Returns an error in case of failure.


Suppose that the some value was set into environment as:

$ export KEY_0=VALUE_X

And there is .env file with data:


Make code to loads custom values into environment:

// Environment:

// Load values without replacement.
err := env.Load(".env")
if err != nil {
    // something went wrong

// Environment:
// KEY_0=VALUE_X    // not replaced by VALUE_001;
// KEY_1=VALUE_001  // add new value;
// KEY_2=VALUE_002  // add new value and replaced ${LAST_ID}
                    // to the plain text.


The LoadSafe to loads data from env-file into environment without replacing existing values. Ignores the replacing of a ${var} or $var in a string.

Returns an error in case of failure.


Suppose that the some value was set into environment as:

$ export KEY_0=VALUE_X

And there is .env file with data:


Make code to loads custom values into environment:

// Environment:

// Load values without replacement.
err := env.LoadSafe(".env")
if err != nil {
    // something went wrong

// Environment:
// KEY_0=VALUE_X           // not replaced by VALUE_001;
// KEY_1=VALUE_001         // add new value;
// KEY_2=VALUE_${LAST_ID}  // add new value without replecing $var.


The Update to loads data from env-file into environment with replacing existing values. During loading replaces ${var} or $var in the string based on the data in the environment.

Returns an error in case of failure.


Suppose that the some value was set into environment as:

$ export KEY_0=VALUE_X

And there is .env file with data:


Make code to loads custom values into environment:

// Environment:

// Load values with replacement.
err := env.Update(".env")
if err != nil {
    // something went wrong

// Environment:
// KEY_0=VALUE_000  // data has been updated;
// KEY_1=VALUE_001  // add new value;
// KEY_2=VALUE_002  // add new value and replaced ${LAST_ID}
                    // to the plain text.


The UpdateSafe to loads data from env-file into environment with replacing existing values. Ignores the replecing of a ${var} or $var in a string.

Returns an error in case of failure.


Suppose that the some value was set into environment as:

$ export KEY_0=VALUE_X

And there is .env file with data:


Make code to loads custom values into environment:

// Environment:

// Load values with replacement.
err := env.Update(".env")
if err != nil {
    // something went wrong

// Environment:
// KEY_0=VALUE_000         // data has been updated;
// KEY_1=VALUE_001         // add new value;
// KEY_2=VALUE_${LAST_ID}  // add new value without replecing $var.


The Exists returns true if all keys sets in the environment.


Suppose that the some value was set into environment as:

$ export KEY_0=VALUE_X

And there is .env file with data:


Make code to check existing for a variable in the environment:

env.Exists("KEY_0")          // true
env.Exists("KEY_1")          // false
env.Exists("KEY_0", "KEY_1") // false

// Load values with replacement.
err := env.Update(".env")
if err != nil {
    // something went wrong

env.Exists("KEY_1")          // true
env.Exists("KEY_0", "KEY_1") // true


The Unmarshal to parses the environment data and stores the result in the value pointed to by scope. If scope isn't struct, not a pointer or is nil - returns an error.

Unmarshal method supports the following field's types: int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uin, uint8, uin16, uint32, uin64, float32, float64, string, bool, url.URL and pointers, array or slice from thous types (i.e. *int, ..., []int, ..., []bool, ..., [2]*url.URL, etc.). The nested structures will be processed recursively.

For other filed's types (like chan or map ...) will be returned an error.

If the structure implements Unmarshaler interface - the custom UnmarshalENV method will be called.

Structure fields can has a env tag as env:"key[,value[,sep]]" where:

  • key - matches the name of the key in the environment;
  • value - default value ;
  • sep - optional argument, sets the separator for lists (default: :).

* If value contains , symbol:

  • sequence can be written like {s,l,i,c,e}
  • string can be written like 'Hello, world' or "Hello, world"

Suppose that the some values was set into environment as:

$ export HOST=""
$ export PORT=8080
$ export ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost:
$ export SECRET_KEY=AgBsdjONL53IKa33LM9SNROvD3hZXfoz

Structure example:

// Config structure for containing values from the environment.
// P.s. No need to describe all the keys that are in the environment,
// for example, we ignore the SECRET_KEY key.
type Config struct {
    Host         string   `env:"HOST"`
    Port         int      `env:"PORT"`
    AllowedHosts []string `env:"ALLOWED_HOSTS,,:"`

Unmarshal data from the environment into Config struct.

var config = Config{}

err := env.Unmarshal(&config)
if err != nil {
    // something went wrong

// Object config:
// config.Host         // ""
// config.Port         // 8080
// config.AllowedHosts // []string{"localhost", ""}

If the structure will has custom UnmarshalENV - it will be called:

// UnmarshalENV it's custom method for unmarshalling.
func (c *Config) UnmarshalENV() error {
    c.Host = ""
    c.Port = 80
    c.AllowedHosts = []string{""}

    return nil
// The result will be the data that sets in the custom
// unmarshalling method.
config.Host         // ""
config.Port         // 80
config.AllowedHosts // []string{""}


The Marshal converts the structure in to key/value and put it into environment with update old values. The first return value returns a map of the data that was correct set into environment. The second - error or nil.

Marshal methods supports the following field's types: int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uin, uint8, uin16, uint32, uin64, float32, float64, string, bool, url.URL and pointers, array or slice from thous types (i.e. *int, ..., []int, ..., []bool, ..., [2]*url.URL, etc.). The nested structures will be processed recursively.

For other filed's types (like chan or map ...) will be returned an error.

If the structure implements Marshaler interface - the custom MarshalENV method - will be called.

Structure fields can has a env tag as env:"key[,value[,sep]]" where:

  • key- matches the name of the key in the environment;
  • value - default value;
  • sep - optional argument, sets the separator for lists (default: space).

* If value contains , symbol:

  • sequence can be written like {s,l,i,c,e}
  • string can be written like 'Hello, world' or "Hello, world"

Structure example:

// Config structure.
type Config struct {
    Host         string   `env:"HOST"`
    Port         int      `env:"PORT"`
    AllowedHosts []string `env:"ALLOWED_HOSTS,,:"`

Marshal data into environment from the Config.

// It can be a structure or a pointer to the struct.
var config = &Config{
    []string{"localhost", ""},

// Returns:
// map[ALLOWED_HOSTS:localhost: HOST:localhost PORT:8080], nil
_, err := env.Marshal(config)
if err != nil {
    // something went wrong

env.Get("HOST")          // "localhost"
env.Get("PORT")          // "8080"
env.Get("ALLOWED_HOSTS") // "localhost:"

If object has MarshalENV and isn't a nil pointer - will be calls it method to scope convertation.

// MarshalENV it's custom method for marshalling.
func (c *Config) MarshalENV() ([]string, error ){
    os.Setenv("HOST", "")
    os.Setenv("PORT", "80")
    os.Setenv("ALLOWED_HOSTS", "")

    return []string{}, nil
// The result will be the data that sets in the custom
// unmarshalling method.
env.Get("HOST")          // ""
env.Get("PORT")          // "80"
env.Get("ALLOWED_HOSTS") // ""


There are synonyms for the os.*env functions.


The Get retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key. It returns the value, which will be empty if the variable is not present.

P.s. It is synonym for the os.Getenv.


The Set sets the value of the environment variable named by the key. It returns an error, if any.

P.s. It is synonym for the os.Setenv.


The Unset unsets a single environment variable.

P.s. It is synonym for the os.Unsetenv.


The Clear deletes all environment variables.

P.s. It is synonym for the os.Clearenv.


The Environ returns a copy of strings representing the environment, in the form "key=value".

P.s. It is synonym for the os.Environ.


The Expand replaces ${var} or $var in the string according to the values of the current environment variables. References to undefined variables are replaced by the empty string.

P.s. It is synonym for the os.ExpandEnv.


The env package implements a set of functions of the environment management.

License:BSD 4-Clause "Original" or "Old" License


Language:Go 97.8%Language:Makefile 2.2%