valinet / ExplorerPatcher

This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows

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If Action Center is turn off by group policy, the Clock flyout does not open

PureOcean opened this issue · comments

There are two ways to turn off the Action Center icon at the far right of the taskbar.

ExplorerPatcher -> Properties -> Taskbasr -> Customize system icons... -> Action Center -> Off
Run on Command Prompt/Terminal or WIN+R:

  1. explorer shell:::{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9}
  2. Click to "Turn system icons on or off"

In this way, there is no problem when Action Center is turn off. (A mysterious setting that does not make changes to the Registry.)

Also Action Center is can be turn off by group policy:

Reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" /v "DisableNotificationCenter" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
gpupdate /force

If this setting is set, the (Windows 11) Clock flyout does not open on taskbar.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell
  • UseWin32TrayClockExperience -> 2: Win 11 style cannot open
  • UseWin32TrayClockExperience -> 0: Win 10 style can open
  • UseWin32TrayClockExperience -> 1: Win 7 style can open

My OS: Windows 11 (10.0.22631.3737)
ExplorerPatcher version: 22621.3527.65.5

can you uninstall EP, and then make the changes where EP is not used to make this change? Does it still happen?

can you uninstall EP, and then make the changes where EP is not used to make this change? Does it still happen?

No. I had to do this before posting the problem here. I'm sorry.
According to the information here, this is not a problem, it is normal status.