vajahath / downsizer

Reduce image size of 1000s of photos as a batch.

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A tiny tool to reduce size of images in bulk. Helps you to bulk reduce size of images in a folder or individual images.


  • Install Node.js first.
  • Check Node.js is installed by running node --version
  • Then run npx downsizer --version or npm install --global downsizer (This will install downsizer to your machine from the npm registry)


  • Put your photos into a folder
  • Open Command Prompt / terminal / Power Shell, and go to that folder.
  • Run npx downsizer "./*.jpg" : this will downsize all your .jpg files and put them in the ./downsized directory inside that folder.

Extra options

# reduce all jpg files in a directory
npx downsizer "./*.jpg"

# reduce a single file
npx downsizer "/path/to/my/file.jpg"

# default quality is 80
npx downsizer --quality=50 "./*.jpg"


Under the hood, this library uses sharp and uses a thread pool to parallize the tasks.


During the State Ijthima held on Karunagappally, Kerala, tons of photos were taken with professional cameras and DSLRs. Photos taken with professional cameras and DSLR are often huge in size. Hence those are hard to manipulate / upload.

This tiny tool was made to reduce size of photos.

Update (Nov 27, 2023): Latter this tool has been updated and used in AMJ Kollam, Alappy, Trivandrum District Conference photo management.


MIT © Vajahath Ahmed


Reduce image size of 1000s of photos as a batch.


Language:TypeScript 81.0%Language:JavaScript 19.0%