Vaibhav Gupta's repositories
Created an interactive blog site with the posts being stored at backend being handled by MongoDB
Created a custom crypto-token namely "DANG" on the Internet Computer with an interactive frontend to show balance and transfer it from one account to other
Inspired by the famous Google Keep App (used to store notes). In this particular project notes are stored with the help of an ICP-blockchain.
Created a subscription page for a newsletter using a bootstrap template where users can sign up for the newsletter using their email, name and password. I have used MailChimp's email API to collect the responses and broadcast the newsletter.
A NFT marketplace where users can mint, list, and trade NFTs, it is linked with a custom crypto-token wallet which keeps a track of the currency belonging to the user on the basis of transaction done by the user. It also consists of a crypto-wallet to buy and sell NFTs
Created my first express server.
This game is an online version of the Simon electronic game with its square tiles design and its 4 big buttons: red, green, blue and yellow. Each key is linked to an unique electronic sound which will help the player to memorise the series of illuminated keys. Flex your brain muscles with this memory game!
A To-do list web app connected with MongoDB at backend to add new tasks and update finished Tasks.
Used OpenWeatherMap's Weather API to fetch weather of the city requested by the user.