vaghawan / openai-tricks

My tricks for OpenAI

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A Collection of Awesome GPT/LLM Tricks Awesome

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THE GPT/LLMs Playground

A Collection of Awesome GPT/LLM Tricks

πŸ”΄ Tricks - WIP πŸ”΄

1. Trick 1: Asynchronous Requests with asyncio

Send over 100+ API requests per second - Click here

2. Trick 2: ColdMailer

Craft & send automatic cold mails to prospects - Click here

3. Trick 3: GPT4-Compressor

Compress text using GPT-4 - Click here

4. Trick 4: Find-Waldo

Find Objects ({Waldo}) in images using natural language with GPT-4 and Meta's SAM - Click here

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  2. Support my research
  3. Finance my OpenAI, Pinecone, AWS, etc. costs
  4. Stay up-to-date with AI

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1. Fork this repository
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We welcome all contributions, including bug fixes, feature requests and documentation improvements.


My tricks for OpenAI

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%