vadimsj / redland-renovations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Milestone 1 for Code Institute - User Centric Frontend Development

Live website preview



  • This website has been built to improve the existing website for Redland Renovations, which serves as a portfolio and point of contact for a property renovation company in Bristol, UK.

  • The website intended to function as a landing page for the prospective visitors.

  • It features essential information about the company, its services, and portfolio of images of the previous works.

  • The main purpose of the website is to convert prospective visitors into leads and capture their contact details.

User experience (UX)

User stories

  • A. First Time Visitor Goals

    As a first-time visitor, I would like to:

    1. Identify the nature of the business and specialization of the company.
    2. Locate where the company is based and its areas of operation.
    3. Determine what services the company offers and the scope of work undertaken.
    4. Explore the company's portfolio showcasing previously completed projects.
    5. Find essential information about the company.
    6. Contact the company.
  • B. Returning Visitor Goals

    As a Ruturning visitor, I would like to:

    1. Easily navigate through the website to access different pages and return to the home page if needed.
    2. Quickly contact the company or request a callback.
  • C. Website Owner Goals

    As a website owner, I would like to:

    1. Introduce the company and it's services to the website visitors.
    2. Present essential information about the company in a user-friendly format.
    3. Showcase the company's portfolio of previously completed works.
    4. Offer a various options for customers to get in touch.
    5. Capture the leads from incoming inquiries.

UX Planes


  • Project Goals

    • Design a website that is simple yet intuitive to use and accessible to audience of all ages and technical abilities.
    • Build a fully responsive website accessible from all devices.
    • Optimize accessibility of the website.
    • Optimize the website to enhance lead conversion.
  • Company Goals

    • Improve the online presence and corporate image of the company.
    • Expand the customer base and boost sales.


  • Due to constraints of set requirements, website is built using vanilla HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Backend development is out of scope for this project.

  • Feature requirements:

    • Website is static but responsive.
    • Website is intuitive and user-friendly.
    • Website is accessible on various devices.
    • Website is accessible to audience of all ages and technical abilities.
    • Website is developed with a mobile-first approach.
  • Content requirements:

    • Key information about the company is easily accessible.
    • Website is visually engaging, featuring a multitude of images across its pages.
    • Content is presented in a format that is easy for users to understand and absorb.
    • Website is presented in a professional yet friendly manner.


  • Website is designed as a single landing page.

  • Website has single primary call-to-action for its visitors.

  • Website is structured to guide visitors towards the primary call-to-action.

  • Main content is divided to the following pages and sections:

    • Home page
    • Services list
    • Galleries
    • About us section
    • Contact form
  • Additionally website features:

    • Static navigation bar.
    • Aside with additional call-to-action.
    • Aside with unique selling proposition.
    • Footer.
  • Navigation bar features the following links:

    • Home Page (Button hidden in Logo)
    • Services
    • Gallery
    • About us
    • Contact


Mobile Wireframes mobile layout preview
Desktop Wireframes dektop layout preview


- Imagery
  • Logo

    Color scheme preview
  • Hero Image

    Hero image


Existing Features:

  • Header + Navigation bar desktop layout

Desktop header preview

  • Header + Hamburger menu mobile layout

Mobile header preview

Menu sidebar preview

  • Home Page

    • Mobile

      Mobile home page preview
    • Desktop

      Desktop page preview

  • Services Section

Services section preview

  • Call to action bar

Cta bar preview

  • Gallery Sections

    • Small screen layout folded

      Gallery section mobile layout folded preview

    • Small screen layout expanded

      Gallery section mobile layout expanded preview

    • Medium screen layout folded

      Gallery section tablet layout folded preview

    • Medium screen layout expanded

      Gallery section tablet layout expanded preview

    • Large screen layout folded

      Gallery section desktop layout folded preview

    • Large screen layout expanded

      Gallery section desktop layout expanded preview

  • About us section

    About us section preview
  • Unique selling proposition bar

    Usp bar preview
  • Contact us form

    Contact us section preview
  • Footer

    Footer preview
  • Thank you page

    Thank you page preview
  • Error 404 page

    Page 404 preview

Features left to implement:

  • Image slider showcasing images from the gallery sections full screen when clicked.

  • Function to close the navbar automatically when the nav links are clicked.

  • Form validation function to set either phone number or email to be required in the form.

  • Function to change the theme color meta tag when hamburger menu is open.

  • Add visual effects:

    • Drop the shadow under the navbar when the page is scrolled.

    • Add visual effects to the elements on page, to make them appear or disppaer as they slide through the vieport.

    • Animate logo and set animation to be triggered if the navigation links or primary call-to-action buttons are clicked.

    Note: Some JavaScript features has already been implemented, however the code was not tested and used only as a temporary measure, due to JavaScript being out of scope for this project.


  • Photos and text content were taken from the existing Redland Renovations website.

  • Font styles and colors were taken from the existing Redland Renovations website. Additional colors were generated using

  • Dummy images were taken from Pexels.


  • Code Institute Template was used as a starting point for this project.

  • Hamburger menu navigation was implemented following the tutorial from Web Dev Simplified and Codehal.

  • Intersection observer to switch the visibility of the elements was implemented following the tutorial from Beyond Fireship.

  • Text reveal-on-scroll effect was implemented following the tutorial from WebStylePress.

  • Text highlight-on-scroll effect implemented following the tutorial from Kevin Powell.


Testing results can be found in

Tools and technologies used

  • HTML - was used to provide structure for this project.

  • CSS - was used to style the HTML elements.

  • JavaScript - was used to add additional styling effects and form validation functions.

  • GitHub - is the hosting site used to store the code for the website.

  • Cloudflare - was used as custom domain provider for demo website.

  • Git - was used as a version control software to commit and push the code to the GitHub repository.

  • VS Code - was used as local IDE.

  • Balsamiq - was used to create the wireframes for the website.

  • Figma - was used for svg editing.

  • Inkscape - was used for svg editing.

  • - was used to resize and compress images.

  • Pixelied - was used to convert the format of the files.

  • Google fonts - was used to source 'Suez One' font.

  • - was used to compress font.

  • - was used to generate fallback font.

  • - was used to source arrow icons.

  • - was used to generate and display the colour scheme.

  • Google Chrome Developer Tools - was used during testing, debugging and making the website responsive.

  • Mozilla Developer Tools - was used during testing, debugging and making the website responsive.

  • Google Lighthouse - was used during the performance testing of the website.

  • W3C HTML Validator - was used to check for errors in the HTML code.

  • W3C CSS Validator (Jigsaw) - was used to check for errors in the CSS code.

  • Wave.webaim - Was used during the testing accessibilty of the website.


  • Navigate to the root project repository in GitHub.
  • Click on "Settings" in the header menu.
  • Click on "Pages" on the menu on the left to open GitHub Pages window.
  • From the drop down menu under source select "deploy from branch".
  • From the drop down menu under branch select "main" (or select another branch for GitHub to deploy).
  • Click "Save".

Creating a fork

  • Navigate to the Redland Renovations root repository.
  • In the top-right corner of the page click on the fork button and select "create a fork".
  • You can change the name of the fork and add description.
  • Choose to copy only the main branch or all branches to the new fork.
  • Click "Create a Fork". A repository should appear in your GitHub.

Cloning repository

Open terminal at your working directory and type:

sudo git clone



Language:HTML 60.3%Language:CSS 26.0%Language:JavaScript 9.1%Language:Dockerfile 4.6%