vadimsh / kops-terraform-starter

Kubernetes with nginx-ingress and ALB on AWS (using kops and Terraform)

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Kubernetes on AWS with kops and Terraform

This bootstraps the following stack in a few minutes:



  • Expose services via HTTPS using nginx-ingress, NodePort, ALB, ACM and Route53.
  • Bootstrap a cluster by the script.
  • Manage the cluster using kubectl, helmfile, kops and terraform.

Build a new cluster

Make sure you have the following items:

  • An AWS account
  • An IAM user with these permissions
  • A domain or subdomain, e.g.

Install the following tools:

# macOS
brew install awscli kubectl kops helm terraform
./   # Install helmfile

# WSL/Ubuntu
sudo apt install awscli
./   # Install kubectl, kops, helm, terraform and helmfile

1. Configure

Change with your environment values. If you do not want to push the environment values to the Git repository, you can put your values into .env instead.

Then load the values.


Configure your AWS credentials.

aws configure --profile "$AWS_PROFILE"

2. Setup

2-1. Route53

Create a public hosted zone for the domain:

aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name "$kubernetes_ingress_domain" --caller-reference "$(date)"

You may need to add the NS records to the parent zone.

2-2. ACM

Request a certificate for the wildcard domain:

aws acm request-certificate --domain-name "*.$kubernetes_ingress_domain" --validation-method DNS

You need to approve the DNS validation. Open and click the "Create record in Route53" button. See AWS User Guide for more.

2-3. S3

Create a bucket for state store of kops and Terraform. You must enable bucket versioning.

aws s3api create-bucket \
  --bucket "$state_store_bucket_name" \
  --region "$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" \
  --create-bucket-configuration "LocationConstraint=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning \
  --bucket "$state_store_bucket_name" \
  --versioning-configuration "Status=Enabled"

3. Bootstrap

By default the script will create the following components:

Bootstrap a cluster.


4. Customize

4-1. Change instance type

You can change instance type of the master:

kops edit ig "master-${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}a"

You can change instance type of the nodes:

kops edit ig "nodes-${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}a"

Apply the changes:

kops update cluster
kops update cluster --yes

4-2. Restrict access to Kubernetes API and SSH

To change access control for the Kubernetes API and SSH:

kops edit cluster

Apply the changes for the Kubernetes API and SSH:

kops update cluster
kops update cluster --yes

4-3. Restrict access to internet-facing ALB

The following resources are needed so that the masters and nodes can access to services in the VPC:

  • An internal ALB
  • A Route53 private hosted zone for the internal ALB
  • A Route53 record for the internal ALB
  • A security group for the internal ALB

To change access control for the internet-facing ALB, edit

variable "alb_external_allow_ip" {
  default = [

variable "alb_internal_enabled" {
  default = true

Apply the changes for the internet-facing ALB:

terraform apply

4-4. OIDC authentication

You can setup OIDC authentication for exposing Kubernetes Dashboard and Kibana.

If you want to use your Google Account, create an OAuth client on Google APIs Console and change the client ID and secret in as follows:

export oidc_discovery_url=
export oidc_kubernetes_dashboard_client_secret=xxxxxx
export oidc_kibana_client_secret=xxxxxx

See also the tutorial at int128/kubernetes-dashboard-proxy.

4-5. Working with managed services

Terraform creates the security group allow-from-nodes.hello.k8s.local which allows access from the Kubernetes nodes. You can attach the security group to managed services such as RDS or Elasticsearch.

See also

Manage the cluster

Tell the following steps to your team members.

On boarding


# Configure your AWS credentials.
aws configure --profile "$AWS_PROFILE"

# Initialize kubectl and Terraform.

Daily operation


# Now you can execute the following tools.

Destroy the cluster

WARNING: kops delete cluster command will delete all EBS volumes with a tag. You should take snapshots before destroying.

terraform destroy
kops delete cluster --name "$KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME" --yes


Running cost depends on number of masters and nodes.

Minimize cost for testing

Here is a minimum configuration with AWS Free Tier (first 1 year):

Role Kind Spec Monthly Cost
Master EC2 m3.medium spot $5
Master EBS gp2 10GB free
Master EBS for etcd gp2 5GB x2 free
Node EC2 m3.medium spot $5
Node EBS gp2 10GB free
Cluster EBS for PVs gp2 $0.1/GB
Cluster ALB - free
Cluster Route53 Hosted Zone - $0.5
Cluster S3 - free
Managed EFS General Purpose up to 5GB free
Managed RDS t2.micro gp2 20GB free
Managed Elasticsearch t2.small gp2 10GB free

The cluster name must be a domain name in order to reduce an ELB for masters.


Reduce size of the volumes:

# kops edit cluster
  - etcdMembers:
    - instanceGroup: master-us-west-2a
      name: a
      volumeSize: 5
    name: main
    version: 3.2.14
  - etcdMembers:
    - instanceGroup: master-us-west-2a
      name: a
      volumeSize: 5
    name: events
    version: 3.2.14
# kops edit ig master-us-west-2a
  machineType: m3.medium
  maxPrice: "0.02"
  rootVolumeSize: 10
# kops edit ig nodes
  machineType: m3.medium
  maxPrice: "0.02"
  rootVolumeSize: 10
  - us-west-2a


This is an open source software licensed under Apache License 2.0. Feel free to bring up issues or pull requests.


Kubernetes with nginx-ingress and ALB on AWS (using kops and Terraform)

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 65.0%Language:Shell 35.0%