The authoritative repository for versioned ZMA Facility Engineering documents and data.

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ZMA Facility Engineering


This repository contains the master copies of important ZMA Facility Engineering documents and data that need to be versioned and released in a controlled manner.

The purpose of this repository is to be:

  • a master copy of the files.
  • an immutable archive and backup for disaster recovery purposes
  • a version management system for tracking difference between file versions
  • a release management system to identify which versions of the documents are released, and when
  • an issue tracking system that allows others to record facility issues that need attention
  • a centralized collaboration tool that allows multiple contributors to particpate simultaneously without losing work

Repository Structure

The repository structure is structured as follows:

  • archive/ do not edit; files as they existed upon conversion to a git repo on 2019.04.27
  • docs/ active docs used to manage the facility, including a reconstituted file history

AIRAC Cycles and File Release Dates

Files are released on cadence following alternating international AIRAC cycle. The release occurs on the second Sunday following the AIRAC date.

AIRAC Eff. Date Release
2201 27 JAN 22 06 FEB 22
2202 24 FEB 22 ---N/A---
2203 24 MAR 22 03 APR 22
2204 21 APR 22 ---N/A---
2205 19 MAY 22 29 MAY 22
2206 16 JUN 22 ---N/A---
2207 14 JUL 22 24 JUL 22
2208 11 AUG 22 ---N/A---
2209 08 SEP 22 18 SEP 22
2210 06 OCT 22 ---N/A---
2211 03 NOV 22 13 NOV 22
2212 01 DEC 22 ---N/A---
2213 29 DEC 22 08 JAN 23


This repository contains some scripting to speed up various repetetive processes. To use these scripts, please complete the setup outlined below first:

  1. Install nodeJS (required to run the scripts).
  2. Confirm successful installation with node -v and npm -v.
    • Each command will show the version if installed correctly.
  3. Run npm install. This only needs to be done once to install required dependencies.

Using Automated POF Generation

  1. Make any desired edits to pofSource.json, simply following the patterns you see.
  2. On a command line, run node devops/generatePofFiles.js

Output files will be located in docs/pof/generated.

These will include customized POFs for individual TRACONs without the host facility's prefix. These are used in vSTARS facility files so Miami Approach sector N can hand off to Miami Approach sector V by typing "V", rather than "MV".


For questions about this repository, contact the ZMA Facility Engineer at fe@zmaartcc.net.


The authoritative repository for versioned ZMA Facility Engineering documents and data.



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