v8lab / APIDesign

API design management repository. API design must follow API Design Specification. The document should follow our API Document Specification.

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RESTful API Guidelines

Table of contents

  1. Abstract
  2. URL Patterns
  3. Methods
  4. Operations
  5. Errors & Faults


This Guidelines is base on Microsoft REST API Guidelines, you may be to read it first. Developers should follow this guidelines to design consistent RESTful APIs.

At first , some criterion are palaced here.

  • Resources, parameters and JSON property names SHOULD be camelCased.
  • The name of the resources, unabbreviated, pluralized.
  • Objects, entities and properties SHOULD be named with nouns.
  • The content type SHOULD be application/json.
  • Datetime string format based upon the ISO8601
  • The API design documentation must be written in the markdown file format and uploaded to Github Repository to take advantage of Github's powerful version control and collaboration capabilities to increase our efficiency.

URL Patterns

The independent resource api url pattern.


The sub-resource api url pattern.


The parent resource usually corresponds to the concept of the domain in the domain driver design. In the case where an object is operated by the id, for example, retrieved by id,updated by Id and deleted by Id etc, it's not needed for ParentResource and ParentResourceId are present in the URL.

For example:

  • Get the conversation by an id of 10000.
GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/messaging/conversations/10000
  • Get the conversation created in May 2017.
GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/messaging/conversations?beginDate=2017-05-01&endDate=2017-05-31
  • Get the messages of a conversation with an id is 10000.
GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/messaging/conversations/10000/messages
  • Get the message by id of 1000.
GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/messaging/messages/1000

If an object has multiple methods to expose, but the API verb are the same. We use the colon with the method name to append to the url to distinguish.

For example:

EndPoint Description
POST api/v3/messaging/conversations Create a new conversation
POST api/v3/messaging/conversations/{id}:read Mark a conversation as read
POST api/v3/messaging/conversations/{id}:unread Mark a conversation as unread


Operations MUST use the proper HTTP methods whenever possible, and operation idempotency MUST be respected. HTTP methods are frequently referred to as the HTTP verbs. The terms are synonymous in this context, however the HTTP specification uses the term method.

Below is a list of methods that our services SHOULD support. Not all resources will support all methods, but all resources using the methods below MUST conform to their usage.

Method Description Is Idempotent
GET Return the current value of an object True
PUT Replace an object, or create a named object, when applicable True
DELETE Delete an object True
POST Create a new object based on the data provided, or submit a command False
HEAD Return metadata of an object for a GET response. Resources that support the GET method MAY support the HEAD method well True
PATCH Apply a partial update to an object


Gets the value of an object by id.

GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/{id}
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Gets a list of values for an object.

GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


If used to create a named object , it MAY return 201 status code and the newly created resource can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in Location header field of the response.If used to replace an object, it MAY return 204 status code with no response body content.Also it's CAN return 200 status code with the response body content.

Create a named object by specifying the id.

PUT http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/10000
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
PUT http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/10000
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Replace/Update an object:

PUT http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/10001
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
PUT http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/10001
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


If successful, return the 204 status code.

Delete an object by Id.

DELETE http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/10000
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


If used to create an object , it SHOULD return 201 status code and the newly created resource can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in Location header field of the response, or 200 status code with response body content.

Create an object.

POST http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
POST http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Send a command.

POST http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/10001:merge
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Checking a contact has registered by email address, the API endpoint is :

HEAD http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/emails/xxx@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Checking a contact has registered by phone number, the API endpoint is :

HEAD http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/contacts/phones/134-1999-1111
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2018 18:41:30 GMT

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

If the resource exists, it should return 204 status code and the "Location Header" SHOULD be assigned to GET url of the resource, otherwise it should return 404 status code.


PATCH is not supported now, but I recommend implementing it.

Services that allow callers to specify key values on create SHOULD support UPSERT semantics, and those that do MUST support creating resources using PATCH. Because PUT is defined as a complete replacement of the content, it is dangerous for clients to use PUT to modify data. Clients that do not understand (and hence ignore) properties on a resource are not likely to provide them on a PUT when trying to update a resource, hence such properties could be inadvertently removed. Services MAY optionally support PUT to update existing resources, but if they do they MUST use replacement semantics (that is, after the PUT, the resource's properties MUST match what was provided in the request, including deleting any server properties that were not provided).

Under UPSERT semantics, a PATCH call to a nonexistent resource is handled by the server as a "create," and a PATCH call to an existing resource is handled as an "update." To ensure that an update request is not treated as a create or vice-versa, the client MAY specify precondition HTTP headers in the request. The service MUST NOT treat a PATCH request as an insert if it contains an If-Match header and MUST NOT treat a PATCH request as an update if it contains an If-None-Match header with a value of "*".

If a service does not support UPSERT, then a PATCH call against a resource that does not exist MUST result in an HTTP "409 Conflict" error.


There are 3 operations have been defined, Sorting and Pagination operations MAY be performed against a given collection, Including MAY be performed on a given object.The query parameters of operations should named with the prefix '$' to distinguish them from the normal parameter.


The potentially filtered list is sorted according to the sort criteria.

The property is determined by the value of the $orderBy query parameter.The value of the $orderBy parameter contains a comma-separated list of expressions used to sort the items.A special case of such an expression is a property path terminating on a primitive property.

The expression MAY include the suffix "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending, separated from the property name by one or more spaces.If "asc" or "desc" is not specified, the service MUST order by the specified property in ascending order.

For example:

GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/liveChat/contacts?$orderBy=name
GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/liveChat/contacts?$orderBy=name desc
GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/liveChat/contacts?$orderBy=name,email


RESTful APIs that return collections MAY return partial sets. Consumers of these services MUST expect partial result sets and correctly page through to retrieve an entire set.

Sorting parameters MUST be consistent across pages, because both server-side paging is fully compatible with sorting.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Optional Description
$pageSize true The default value is 10.
$skip true The default value is 0.
$count true If there is, the returning value SHOULD contains the totalCount.

For example:

GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/liveChat/contacts?$pageSize=10&$skip=10 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "value": [...]
GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/liveChat/contacts?$pageSize=10&$skip=10&$count HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "value": [...]


What describes which properties of object should be included when the service responds to the client. These properties are the sub-resources of an object which is also a resource.

The property is determined by the value of the $include query parameter.The value of the $include parameter contains a comma-separated list of expressions used to retrieve multiple sub-resources.

For example:

GET http://alpha.common100.com/api/v3/messaging/conversations/{id}?$include=assignedAgent,createdBy,messages HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

            "id": 1,
            "assignedAgentId": "f9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
            "assignedAgent": {  //included the assignedAgent
                "id": "f9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
            "relatedType": "contact",
            "createdById": "f9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
            "createdByType": "agent",
            "createdBy": {  //included the createdBy.
                "id": "f9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
            "messages":[    //included the messages.
                    "id": "f9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1fe8", 
                        "id": "f9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1d48", 

Errors & Faults

Errors, or more specifically Service Errors, are defined as a client passing invalid data to the service and the service correctly rejecting that data. Examples include invalid credentials, incorrect parameters, unknown version IDs, or similar. These are generally "4xx" HTTP error codes and are the result of a client passing incorrect or invalid data.

Errors do not contribute to overall API availability.

Faults, or more specifically Service Faults, are defined as the service failing to correctly return in response to a valid client request. These are generally "5xx" HTTP error codes.

Faults do contribute to the overall API availability.

Calls that fail due to rate limiting or quota failures MUST NOT count as faults. Calls that fail as the result of a service fast-failing requests (often for its own protection) do count as faults.

ErrorResponse : Object
Property Type Required Description
error Error The error object.
Error : Object
Property Type Required Description
code String (enumerated) One of a server-defined set of error codes. It is a language-independent string and SHOULD be human-readable.
message String A human-readable representation of the error. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users.
target String The target of the error.
details Error[] An array of details about specific errors that led to this reported error.
innererror InnerError An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.
InnerError : Object
Property Type Required Description
code String A more specific error code than was provided by the containing error.
innererror InnerError An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.

Example of "innererror":

  "error": {
    "code": "BadArgument",
    "message": "Previous passwords may not be reused",
    "target": "password",
    "innererror": {
      "code": "PasswordError",
      "innererror": {
        "code": "PasswordDoesNotMeetPolicy",
        "minLength": "6",
        "maxLength": "64",
        "characterTypes": ["lowerCase","upperCase","number","symbol"],
        "minDistinctCharacterTypes": "2",
        "innererror": {
          "code": "PasswordReuseNotAllowed"

Example of "details":

  "error": {
    "code": "BadArgument",
    "message": "Multiple errors in ContactInfo data",
    "target": "ContactInfo",
    "details": [
        "code": "NullValue",
        "target": "PhoneNumber",
        "message": "Phone number must not be null"
        "code": "NullValue",
        "target": "LastName",
        "message": "Last name must not be null"
        "code": "MalformedValue",
        "target": "Address",
        "message": "Address is not valid"


API design management repository. API design must follow API Design Specification. The document should follow our API Document Specification.


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