v4lproik / simple-blockchain-quickstart

This is an experimental repository which aims at shipping a decent POW blockchain skeleton for anyone who wants to get into the blockchain world via the Golang programming language

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple-blockchain-quickstart CircleCI codecov Go Report Card api doc Contributor Covenant Docker Image Size

This is merely a skeleton that helps you quickly set up a simplified version of a blockchain app written in Golang.

Getting started

Install Golang & Useful packages

  1. Install goenv
  2. Install make
  3. Install protoc
  4. Install golang => 1.18.3
  5. Download dependencies
make dep

Set env variables

source config/local.env


make build

Hot reload

  1. Install air
go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest
  1. (Optional) Export the GOPATH set by goenv if you are using goenv
export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH

Run as client

make build && ./bin/simple-blockchain-quickstart -d ./testdata/node1/blocks.db -g ./testdata/node1/genesis.json -k ./testdata/node1/keystore/ -u ./testdata/node1/users.toml -n ./testdata/node1/network_nodes.toml -r 19:51:41
go build -o ./bin/simple-blockchain-quickstart
1.657907504219829e+09	info	Transactions file: ./testdata/node1/blocks.db
1.6579075042198799e+09	info	Genesis file: ./testdata/node1/genesis.json
1.657907504219883e+09	info	Users file: ./testdata/node1/users.toml
1.657907504219885e+09	info	Nodes file: ./testdata/node1/network_nodes.toml
1.657907504219887e+09	info	Keystore dir: ./testdata/node1/keystore/
1.657907504219889e+09	info	Output: console

[GIN-debug] POST   /api/auth/login           --> github.com/v4lproik/simple-blockchain-quickstart/domains/auth.AuthEnv.Login-fm (5 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /api/auth/.well-known/jwks.json --> github.com/v4lproik/gin-jwks-rsa.Jkws.func1 (5 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /api/balances/            --> github.com/v4lproik/simple-blockchain-quickstart/domains/balances.(*BalancesEnv).ListBalances-fm (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /api/healthz              --> github.com/v4lproik/simple-blockchain-quickstart/domains/healthz.RunDomain.func1 (5 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /api/nodes/status         --> github.com/v4lproik/simple-blockchain-quickstart/domains/nodes.NodesEnv.NodeStatus-fm (5 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /api/nodes/blocks         --> github.com/v4lproik/simple-blockchain-quickstart/domains/nodes.NodesEnv.NodeListBlocks-fm (5 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PUT    /api/transactions/        --> github.com/v4lproik/simple-blockchain-quickstart/domains/transactions.TransactionsEnv.AddTransaction-fm (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PUT    /api/wallets/             --> github.com/v4lproik/simple-blockchain-quickstart/domains/wallets.(*WalletsEnv).CreateWallet-fm (6 handlers)

Run in container

The docker image has been built so the mandatory options are passed in an env file. The extra options are passed through the variable cmd. To sum up cmd is responsible for switching from running the app as a client or as a node. The options related to the app itself are stored in config/local.conf.

#first remove all images locally if you rebuild from this folder
docker-compose down --rmi all
#eg. run as a node for fish shell users
set -l cmd -r; docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up
#eg. run as cli for bash users
cmd="transaction list" docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up


chmod +x ./deployment_script/test.sh
make test -B

Format the code

make format
> gofumpt -l -w .

Generate coverage

make test-coverage-install
make test-coverage

Generate doc

  1. Install swag
  2. (Optional) Export the GOPATH set by goenv if you are using goenv
export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH
  1. Run the swagger
swag init


JWK authentication is optional, you can activate a verification for each endpoint if necessary. You need to activate it through the environment variable.

export SBQ_JWT_KEY_PATH="./testdata/node1/private.pem";
export SBQ_JWT_KEY_ID="sbq-auth-key-id";
export SBQ_JWT_DOMAIN="localhost";
export SBQ_JWT_AUDIENCE="localhost:8080";
export SBQ_JWT_ISSUER="sbq-local";
export SBQ_JWT_ALGO="HS256";

JWT tokens are being signed with the private key passed as an environment variable. Also, you need to provide the url containing the JKMS derived from the private key. You can use this project JKMS service exposing the public key parameters needed to verify a JWT token.

export SBQ_IS_JKMS_ACTIVATED="true";

The users are declared in ./testdata/node1/users.toml. See the Test data section for the test accounts.

curl localhost:8080/api/balances/ -X POST                                                                                                                          15:03:11
{"error":{"code":401,"status":"Unauthorized","message":"authentication token cannot be found","context":[]}}

> curl localhost:8080/api/auth/login -X POST -d '{"username": "v4lproik", "password":"P@assword-to-access-api1"}' -H 'Content-type: application/json'

> curl localhost:8080/api/balances/ -X POST -H "X-API-TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InNicS1hdXRoLWtleS1pZCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXQiOnsiTmFtZSI6InY0bHByb2lrIiwiSGFzaCI6IiRhcmdvbjJpZCR2PTE5JG09NjU1MzYsdD0zLHA9MiRGdVNVWlEwbXJUTTl1SXBQOHFwTlV3JG5kMjFqdGdVWmpKanowNzhqZGxTREt4cWFqdjVwYWl4bG9HR05nVE1KSXcifSwiZXhwIjoxNjU2NTk0MDE1LCJpYXQiOjE2NTY1MDc2MTUsIm5iZiI6MTY1NjUwNzYxNX0.4VBqD9Cg2KH96CioyRtSIlM2edGneXxZLrxG46Qub4Pol-NWOXI9_PAmIL_DmQEvF95x44m9Vl8VF2RZdO42B03cxKZPKIzjZjalHqyEl3YPyz27kP7d_YCCMjSzKMbx8Np7u9orWjlC5MayCB2rtgefag3DkKGJWUAIH5OfDPy6B-XLsgL8caWN0aM4TCelC-geo2bC488Xk79YffhfNLJPuvgKuuUeWaWLz-YHcALbguqRP_ehqDvn5vzBBWAS_aCYN3W9-dsOHttfSRKaxmxQm-hxcp01T7ezXgNO3gnJmfuWff-96UKZVb0QPzG1ltPWInqheKRypviuAEIHUg"

Test data

In the folder ./testdata/node*/ you can find some data that could be used to test the application.

Api users

Username: v4lproik
Password: P@assword-to-access-api1
Hash    : $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=3,p=2$FuSUZQ0mrTM9uIpP8qpNUw$nd21jtgUZjJjz078jdlSDKxqajv5paixloGGNgTMJIw

Account : 0x7b65a12633dbe9a413b17db515732d69e684ebe2
Password: P@assword-to-access-keystore1
Keystore: testdata/node1/keystore/UTC--2022-06-26T13-49-16.552956900Z--7b65a12633dbe9a413b17db515732d69e684ebe2
Username: cloudvenger
Password: P@assword-to-access-api2
Hash    : $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=3,p=2$j2yd8FWqhApKrrqmkkLMQA$Lfh/7K+oP3IWdTrQSjURBS6PFttzlksmozz8kuGBCqk

Account : 0x7b65a12633dbe9a413b17db515732d69e684ebe2
Password: P@assword-to-access-keystore2
Keystore: testdata/node1/keystore/UTC--2022-06-26T13-50-53.976229800Z--a6aa1c9106f0c0d0895bb72f40cfc830180ebeaf


Account : 0x01fc1af4a56cde68675dc44cabd486e8d3559f07
Password: P@assword-to-access-keystore3
Keystore: testdata/node1/keystore/UTC--2022-07-19T22-42-22.558797000Z--01fc1af4a56cde68675dc44cabd486e8d3559f07


This is an experimental repository which aims at shipping a decent POW blockchain skeleton for anyone who wants to get into the blockchain world via the Golang programming language

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Go 90.7%Language:Dockerfile 3.9%Language:Shell 3.3%Language:Makefile 2.1%