v0id3r / influxdb-ruby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Ruby client library for InfluxDB.


$ [sudo] gem install influxdb

Or add it to your Gemfile, etc.


Connecting to a single host:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new host: "influxdb.domain.com"

Connecting to multiple hosts (with built-in load balancing and failover):

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new hosts: ["influxdb1.domain.com", "influxdb2.domain.com"]

Create a database:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new


Create a user for a database:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new

database = 'site_development'
new_username = 'foo'
new_password = 'bar'
influxdb.create_database_user(database, new_username, new_password)

Update a database user:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new

influxdb.update_database_user(database, username, :password => "new_password")

Write some data:

require 'influxdb'

username = 'foo'
password = 'bar'
database = 'site_development'
name     = 'foobar'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new database, :username => username, :password => password

# Enumerator that emits a sine wave
Value = (0..360).to_a.map {|i| Math.send(:sin, i / 10.0) * 10 }.each

loop do
  data = {
    :value => Value.next

  influxdb.write_point(name, data)

  sleep 1

Write data with time precision:

Time precision can be set in 2 ways, either in the client initialization

require 'influxdb'

username = 'foo'
password = 'bar'
database = 'site_development'
name     = 'foobar'
time_precision = 's'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new database, :username => username,
                                          :password => password,
                                          :time_precision => time_precision

data = {
  :value => 0,
  :time => Time.now.to_i

influxdb.write_point(name, data)

or in the write call

require 'influxdb'

username = 'foo'
password = 'bar'
database = 'site_development'
name     = 'foobar'
time_precision = 's'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new database, :username => username, :password => password

data = {
  :value => 0,
  :time => Time.now.to_i

influxdb.write_point(name, data, false, time_precision)

Write data via UDP:

require 'influxdb'
host = ''
port = 4444

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new :udp => { :host => host, :port => port }

name = 'hitchhiker'

data = {
  :answer => 42,
  :question => "life the universe and everything?"

influxdb.write_point(name, data)

List cluster admins:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new


List databases:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new


List database users:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new


List a database user:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new

influxdb.get_database_user_info(database, username)

Delete a database:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new

database = 'site_development'

Delete a database user:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new

influxdb.delete_database_user(database, username)


require 'influxdb'

username = 'foo'
password = 'bar'
database = 'site_development'

influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new database, :username => username, :password => password

influxdb.query 'select * from time_series_1' do |name, points|
  puts "#{name} => #{points}"

By default, an InfluxDB::Client will keep trying to connect to the database when it gets connection denied, if you want to retry a finite number of times (or disable retries altogether), you should pass the :retry value. :retry can be either true, false or an Integer to retry infinite times, disable retries or retry a finite number of times, respectively. 0 is equivalent to false

> require 'influxdb'
=> true

> influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new 'database', :retry => 4
=> #<InfluxDB::Client:0x00000002bb5ce0 @database="database", @hosts=["localhost"],
@port=8086, @username="root", @password="root", @use_ssl=false,
@time_precision="s", @initial_delay=0.01, @max_delay=30,
@open_timeout=5, @read_timeout=300, @async=false, @retry=4>

> influxdb.query 'select * from serie limit 1'
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.416209 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.01s.
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.433646 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.02s.
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.462566 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.04s.
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.510853 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.08s.
SocketError: Tried 4 times to reconnect but failed.

If you pass :retry => -1 it will keep trying forever until it gets the connection.


git clone git@github.com:influxdb/influxdb-ruby.git
cd influxdb-ruby
bundle exec rake


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%