uzdevid / yii2-telegram

Telegram bot yaratishga mo'ljallangan Yii2 framework kengaytmasi

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Extension for develop telegram bot


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require uzdevid/yii2-telegram "1.2.0"

or add

"uzdevid/yii2-telegram": "1.2.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Create telegram extension with config params

$config = [
    '_bot_' => [
        'token' => '5390057974:AAFsR6ySk6CTPHs9neYkAXdKTO5cer1cdho'

$telegram = new Telegram($config);

Set and delete webhook

  • $url - url to Your handler
$url = "";


Send text [docs]

  • $text - [string | required] - message text.
  • $params - [array | optional] - additional params: parse_mode, entities, disable_web_page_preview and other. Read the telegram bot docs...
  • $chat_id - [integer | required] - telegram user chat id.
$text = "Hello world!!!";
$params = [
    'parse_mode'=> 'HTML'
$chat_id = 1234567;
$telegram->bot->sender->text($text, $params)->send($chat_id);

Note: All send requests return a response from telegram


$result = $telegram->bot->sender->text($text, $params)->send($chat_id);
file_put_contents('test.json', json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));

Send photo [docs]

  • $photo - [string | required] - path to photo.
  • $params - [array | optional] - additional params: parse_mode, caption_entities, disable_notification and other. Read the telegram bot docs...
  • $text - [string | optional] - caption for photo.
  • $chat_id - [integer | required] - telegram user chat id.
$photo = '/img/elephant.jpg'
$text = "This is elephant photo";
$params = [
    'parse_mode'=> 'HTML'
$chat_id = 1234567;
$telegram->bot->sender->photo($photo, $params)->text($text)->send($chat_id);

or you can send a photo without a caption

$telegram->bot->sender->photo($photo, $params)->send($chat_id);

Send video [docs]

  • $video - [string | required] - path to video.
  • $params - [array | optional] - additional params: duration, width, height and other. Read the telegram bot docs...
  • $text - [string | optional] - caption for video.
  • $chat_id - [integer | required] - telegram user chat id.
$video = '/img/avengers-final.mp4'
$text = "Avengers: Final";
$params = [
    'parse_mode'=> 'HTML'
$chat_id = 1234567;
$telegram->bot->sender->video($photo, $params)->text($text)->send($chat_id);

or you can send a video without a caption

$telegram->bot->sender->video($photo, $params)->send($chat_id);

Send sticker [docs]

  • $sticker [string | required] - sticker id.
  • $params - [array | optional] - additional params: disable_notification, protect_content, reply_to_message_id and other. Read the telegram bot docs...
  • $chat_id - [integer | required] - telegram user chat id.
$sticker = "CAACAgIAAxkBAAEFRRhiz-WSsSh7GsHDlj8_csvlad9-2gACHQADO3EfIqmCmmAwV9EZKQQ";
$params = [
    'disable_notification'=> true
$chat_id = 1234567;
$telegram->bot->sender->sticker($sticker, $params)->send($chat_id);

Send contact [docs]

  • $phone [string | required] - phone number.
  • $first_name [string | required] - first name.
  • $last_name [string | optional] - last name.
  • $params - [array | optional] - additional params: vcard, disable_notification, protect_content and other. Read the telegram bot docs...
  • $chat_id - [integer | required] - telegram user chat id.
$phone = '+998993261330';
$first_name = 'Diyorbek';
$last_name = 'Ibragimov';
$params = [
    'disable_notification'=> true
$chat_id = 1234567;
$telegram->bot->sender->contact($url, $first_name, $last_name)->send($chat_id);

Send poll [docs]

  • $question - [string | required] - Question.
  • $options - [array | required] - Options.
  • $correct_option_id - [integer | optional] - Correct option id, Required for polls in quiz mode.
  • $params - [array | optional] - additional params: type, allows_multiple_answers, explanation and other. Read the telegram bot docs...
$question = "Question";
$options = ['variant id-0', 'variant id-1', 'variant id-2'];
$correct_option_id = 1;
$params = ['type' => 'quiz'];
$chat_id = 1234567;
$telegram->bot->sender->poll($question, $options, $correct_option_id, $params)->send($chat_id);

Send message, photo, video, sticker and poll with inline keyboard and/or keyboard


    ->createKeyboard([['text' => "Button"]])

URL inline keyboard

    ->createInlineKeyboard([['text' => "URL button", 'url' => ""]])

callback inline keyboard

$callback_data = json_encode(['command' => '/callback', 'id' => 12021]);
    ->createInlineKeyboard([['text' => 'callback', 'callback_date' => $callback_data]])


Note: When processing requests, there is no need to specify a chat id when sending a response to a request.

Processing /start request

$telegram->bot->handler->onMessage('/start', function ($body) use ($telegram) {
    // Your code

Processing callback query

$telegram->bot->handler->onCommand('/callback', function ($body, $callback_data) use ($telegram) {
    // Your code

Processing all (*) inline query

$telegram->bot->handler->onQuery('*', function ($query, $body) use ($telegram) {
    // Your code
    $title = "Mode: InlineQuery";
    $description = "Query: {$query}";
    $content = "Answer content";
        ->answer([$telegram->bot->sender->inline->article($title, $description, $content)])


Telegram bot yaratishga mo'ljallangan Yii2 framework kengaytmasi


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