uxrocket / uxrocket.modal

Modal Plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UX Rocket Modal

A multi window capable modal plugin. It can easily customizable via its settings and styles.


Modal can directly install your project by copying the contents of dist folder to your assets, and npm or bower packages. All dependent libraries will also installed with the packages. Just run, with npm;

npm install uxrocket.modal

or with Bower

bower install uxrocket.modal

Then, import files to your HTML

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<path-to-bower_components>/uxrocket.modal/dist/uxrocket.modal.css" />

<script src="<path-to-jquery"></script>
<script src="<path-to-bower_components>/uxrocket.modal/dist/uxrocket.modal.min.js"></script>
        $('.modal').modal(); // for default settings

if you want to use plugin in development mode, you can import _uxrocket-modal.scss file under <path-to-bower_components>/uxrocket.modal/lib/ to your Sass

Sample usage

<a href="#hidden-content" class="modal">Open Modal</a>
// with defaults

// or with your settings
    fixed: true,
    maxWidth: '640px',
    maxHeight: '90%'

Also it supports direct call from your script, during on page load or after an event

// load a URL
    href: './modal-content.html'

// load and html content
var html = '<div class="my-content">' +
           '    <h2 class="my-content-title">Hello World</h2>' +
           '    <p>This is the modal content</p>' +

    html: html


Property Default Description
className '' For advanced styling, allow to add your own style class to modal wrapper
href '' URL to load. If an external URL, uses Ajax Get to load the URL. If it is an inline content e.g. a hidden div, uses its html
width '' Width of the modal windows
height '' Height of the modal windows
maxWidth '' Max width of the modal windows. Add scrollbars when content is wider than the modal
maxHeight '' Max height of the modal windows. Add scrollbars when content is longer than the modal
appendTo body Where to append the modal content in the DOM. Overlay always appends to body
allowMultiple false Allows to open more than one modal simultaneously
blockUI true Adds an overlay at the top of the page
overlayClose true Closes the modals when clicking on the overlay
close true Turns on/off the close icon in the modal
iframe false If true, the URL will load to an iFrame in the modal
html false You can set an HTML content rather than a URL.
fixed false Uses fixed position for the modal
title '' Shows a title on top of modal windows
draggable false Makes the modal draggable

If you use a cms or a backend heavy development environment, you can also set the plugin options via data attributes. Following table shows the name of the available data attributes for defining options.

<a href="#modal-content" data-max-height="90%" data-fixed="true" data-on-close="refreshForm()">Open modal</a>
Data Attribute Description
class-name For advanced styling, allow to add your own style class to modal wrapper
href URL to load. If an external URL, uses Ajax Get to load the URL. If it is an inline content e.g. a hidden div, uses its html
width Width of the modal windows
height Height of the modal windows
max-width Max width of the modal windows. Add scrollbars when content is wider than the modal
max-height Max height of the modal windows. Add scrollbars when content is longer than the modal
append-to Where to append the modal content in the DOM
block-u-i Adds an overlay at the top of the page
overlay-close Closes the modals when clicking on the overlay
allow-multiple Allows to open more than one modal simultaneously
close Turns on/off the close icon in the modal
iframe If true, the URL will load to an iFrame in the modal
html You can set an HTML content rather than a URL.
fixed Uses fixed position for the modal
title Shows a title on top of modal windows
draggable Makes the modal draggable
on-ready Calls the function when plugin is ready
on-open Calls the function when modal is opened
on-start Calls the function when modal start to get content to show
on-load Calls the function when modal fetched and loaded to content
on-close Calls the function when modal is closed
on-remove Calls the function when modal is removed

There are also available callbacks automatically fired when a certain event occurred. These callbacks can set with plugin options.

onReady Calls the function when plugin is ready
onOpen Calls the function when modal is opened
onStart Calls the function when modal start to get content to show
onLoad Calls the function when modal fetched and loaded to content
onClose Calls the function when modal is closed
onRemove Calls the function when modal is remove

Event Hooks

Plugin uses both generic events and custom events. All events triggered in uxrModal namespace. Rather than firing a function/method via callback you can attach your own method to plugin events. Note that, custom events are triggered on the binded element e.g. the anchor opens the modal.

$('.modal').on('uxrclose.uxrModal', function(){
    form.submit(); // any method, function you want to define
Event Name  
uxrready triggers when uxrModal binds to element for the first time
uxropen triggers when modal windows opens, the overlay and loading screen become visible
uxrstart triggers when modal content started to fetching, either from a inline source, html output or ajax call, or iframe
uxrload triggers when modal content fetched and inserted to the visible modal screen
uxrclose triggers when visible modal window closed either from clicking the overlay or close button
uxrresize triggers when modal contents resized, (resize actions actually working when you set maxHeight or maxWidth options and shows scrollbars when need)
uxrremove triggers when uxrModal unbinds from the element.

All these custom events except uxrresize also hooked the element itself when plugin is binded, and fires the callback options when triggered. resize method automatically called after content loaded to modal and uxrresize event triggered.

Public Methods

Method Description
$(selector).modal(options) Binds the plugin
$.uxrmodal(options) Directly opens a modal with desired options
$.uxrmodal.resize Resizes the opened modals
$.uxrmodal.close Closes the opened modals
$.uxrmodal.version Shows the plugin version
$.uxrmodal.settings Shows the default settings
$.uxrmodal.getInstances() Shows the open modals and the lastOpened modal instance. You can get the last remaining instance's properties when all modals are closed.
var activeInstances = $.uxrmodal.getInstances();

// you get an object with keys as instance IDs and lastInstance

Sample activeInstance

// at least on modal is opened
    1: {
        $content: n.fn.init[1], // modal container template as a jQuery instance
        $el: n.fn.init[1], // jQuery instance of binded element
        _defaults: Object,
        _direct: false // opened via link
        _instance: 1 // the instance id,
        _name: 'uxrModal', // plugin name
        el: 'a.modal',
        href: 'somelink' // link to be open
        html: 'some html' // html string when html string added to direct call, or a jQuery instance of the fetched html from ajax or inline source
        inpage: false // indicates ajax call, iframe or an element in current page
        options: Object // plugin options
        previousInstance: Modal // modal instance opened before this modal. if only one modal present or multiple modal is not used, it is equal to the instance itself
        selector: '.modal' // jQuery selector used to bind plugin
    lastInstance: Modal // if every modals are closed, it is the active instance. Instance 1 in this sample. In multiple modal activated and a modal is recently closed, it is the last closed modal.

// multiple mode active, first instance 7 opened then instance 5 opened
    5: {
        // ... other properties
        _instance: 5,
        previousInstance: Modal // is equal to instance 7
    7: {
        // ... other properties
        _instance: 7,
        previousInstance: Modal // is equal to instance 7 since 7 is the first opened instance.
    lastInstance: Modal // is equal to instance5

// every modal closed
    lastInstance: Modal // last closed modal's instance.


Modal Plugin

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 88.1%Language:CSS 8.9%Language:HTML 2.9%