uw-dims / tsk4j

Java bindings to the Sleuthkit open-source host forensics library/toolkit.

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TSK4j - A Java Binding for Sleuthkit

A Java binding to Carrier's [Sleuthkit] (http://www.sleuthkit.org/sleuthkit/) C library for host-based forensics.

These Java bindings are not related to an existing effort described here. Those bindings are used more to populate Java objects from an SQL database of pre-acquired data. The bindings described here are geared more to image and filesystems traversal as performed by the core sleuthkit C/C++ code. These bindings are essentially just a Java veneer over libtsk, with some additions.


Why use these bindings?

  • You prefer coding in Java over C (and thus likely prefer Maven over make).

  • You want to compose a larger application that needs Sleuthkit's filesystem traversal power but want to use existing Java libraries/codebases.

  • You do not need/want to store your results in SQL.

  • You want a fast result to a simple task such as 'locate all PE executables' (see this sample).

  • The included 'digests' module is useful to you.

  • The included sample programs are useful to you.

  • You want to use or build upon the Armour tool, a method for comparing BodyFiles and thus filesystem contents.

Required Tools

This codebase is Java, and so needs a Java compiler system, aka a 'Java Developmment Kit (JDK)'. A 1.7 or later JDK is required. Sun/Oracle's JDK works well, as does OpenJDK's JDK.

The build is via Maven, a build and project management tool for Java artifacts. So Maven is required too. All code dependencies are resolved by Maven. At time of writing (Mar 2015), the author uses Maven 3.2.5 on both Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Mint 17. See http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi for more details.

To verify you are running suitable versions of Java and Maven, run 'mvn -v' and inspect the output, like this:

[stuart-vaio]$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.2.5 (12a6b3acb947671f09b81f49094c53f426d8cea1; 2014-12-14T09:29:23-08:00)
Maven home: /usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.2.5
Java version: 1.7.0_17, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_17/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "2.6.32-73-generic", arch: "i386", family: "unix"

If you wish to take on the task of compiling the native C parts for either MacOS or Windows platforms, you will need a suitable C compiler and make/build system. These native parts are already built for Linux.


$ cd /path/to/tsk4j

$ mvn install

$ mvn javadoc:aggregate

The Javadoc APIs should then be available at ./target/site/apidocs.

There are unit tests for some modules. These are only run when the 'tester' profile is activated. If you want to run unit tests, try:

$ mvn test -Ptester


The tsk4j codebase is organised as four Maven 'modules', with a parent pom at the root level. The modules are as follows

  • core

  • samples

  • digests

  • armour


The primary tsk4j module, the one that wraps existing Sleuthkit C routines with their Java equivalents. If you just want to write new filesystem traversal routines in Java, this module is the only artifact you need. To build:

$ cd /path/to/tsk4j/core

$ mvn install

// Unit tests optional, need profile activation
$ mvn test -Ptester

The core module is mostly a thin Java wrapper for libtsk. Perhaps the one value-added feature is the ability to extract data from various objects via the familiar java.io.InputStream api. An example:

InputStream is = new Image( "/dev/sda" ).getInputStream();

The following core tsk4j classes support the InputStream API:

  • [image.Image] (./core/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/image/Image.java)

  • [filesys.Attribute] (./core/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/filesys/Attribute.java)

  • [filesys.File] (./core/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/filesys/File.java)

  • [volsys.Partition] (./core/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/volsys/Partition.java)

So far we have built the native parts of the core tsk4j module for Linux 32bit and Linux 64bit. Still to do are MacOS and Windows builds. We use the [Java Native Loader] (https://github.com/uw-dims/java-native-loader) framework to handle the split Java/C language build.


This module contains some sample programs built around the core tsk4j artifact, which is a dependency of the sample module:

$ cd /path/to/tsk4j/samples

$ mvn package

Included are some Unix-style shell scripts to drive the sample program invocation, on Linux/MacOS at least, e.g:

// Find files with Alternate Data Streams (NTFS only)
$ ./adsfind /path/to/fileSystem

// Find all Windows Registry Hive Files (NTFS only)
$ ./hivefind /path/to/some/ntfsFilesystem

// Find all Windows PE Executables (NTFS only)
$ ./pefind /path/to/some/ntfsFilesystem

// Locate all unused parts of an image and hash content of each
$ ./unallochash /dev/sda


The digests module contains Java classes that represent summaries of FileSystem traversals in the form of [body files] (http://wiki.sleuthkit.org/index.php?title=Body_file). The Sleuthkit tool 'fls' can produce this file format:

$ fls -r -m / /dev/sda1 > sda1.bf

tsk4j views such a file not as being the bodyfile, but as being the external representation of a bodyfile. A [codec class] (./digests/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/digests/BodyFileCodec.java) marshals and unmarshals bodyfiles. The [object representation] (./digests/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/digests/BodyFile.java) is simply a list of 'records', one per line in the external representation. A bodyfile record then corresponds to a single file in a filesystem.

BodyFile objects are the unit of work (the operands) in what we view as an algebra of bodyfile operations. We define both unary and binary operands on bodyfiles.

A unary operator, like WinPEOperator, simply filters one bodyfile A into a smaller one B by 'accepting' only those records which are deemed to be Windows executables.

Binary operators, like those found in [BodyFileOperators] (./digests/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/digests/BodyFileOperators.java), take two bodyfiles as operands and perform set remove or retain logic based on some notion of bodyfile record equality. Note how we do not define record equality in the record class itself. Instead, we define an Equals interface, allowing the developer to create many implementations of this and thus to define many ways of asserting that one Bodyfile record is the same as another. This 'postponement' of record equality allows the set membership operations of the [algebra] (./digests/src/main/java/edu/uw/apl/commons/tsk4j/digests/BodyFileAlgebra.java) to be concise and use standard Java Collections methods, even though the number of equality predicates is unlimited. Some sample record equality implementations are supplied.


Armour is a command shell (think bash) for bodyfile manipulation and visualization. It lets the user execute operations within the bodyfile algebra mentioned above. The user loads bodyfiles from disk, then applies transforming operations on them, always producing new bodyfiles (in memory, not on disk). Each new bodyfile is added to the available set for further processing.

Basic command line help is available. On Linux/MacOS, a shell script driver is included:

$ cd /path/to/tsk4j/armour

$ mvn package

$ ./armour -h

Armour takes bodyfiles as input. These can be generated by Sleuthkit's own fls tool. Imagine we had 2 NTFS filesystems available at /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2:

$ fls -r -m / /dev/sda1 > sda1.bf
$ fls -r -m / /dev/sda2 > sda2.bf

$ ./armour sda1.bf sda2.bf

// List all loaded bodyfiles
> ls

// Print one of the loaded bodyfiles
> cat 1

// List available operations
> ops

// Extract all files in sda1 that are not in sda2 (Newer Files)
> op 2 1 2

// And show this new bodyfile in a Swing table
> tb 3

Armour is not limited to interactive use. Like any good shell, its invocation can be 'batch-driven', so might be placed in some larger workflow. An example might be its usage in a Cuckoo Sandbox workflow, with two bodyfiles containing the 'before and after' disk contents associated with some malware sample run:

$ ./armour -c "op 2 1 2; cat 3" sda1.bf sda2.bf > diffs.bf

Local Repository

The Maven artifacts built here themselves depend on the following existing Maven artifacts which are not (yet) available on a public Maven repository (like Maven Central):

  • edu.uw.apl.commons:native-lib-loader:jar:2.1.0

  • edu.uw.apl.commons:shell-base:jar:1.0

The source for the first Maven artifact is available on [github] (https://github.com/uw-dims/java-native-loader). But to save the TSK4J user the chore of building and installing the dependencies, we are bundling these artifacts in a 'project-local Maven repo' at ./.repository. The relevant poms refer to this repo to resolve the artifact dependencies. The project-local repo looks like this:

$ cd /path/to/tsk4j
$ tree .repository/
`-- edu
    `-- uw
        `-- apl
            `-- commons
                `-- native-lib-loader
                    `-- 2.1.0
                        |-- native-lib-loader-2.1.0.jar
                        `-- native-lib-loader-2.1.0.pom
                `-- shell-base
                    `-- 1.0
                        |-- shell-base-1.0.jar
                        `-- shell-base-1.0.pom

To Do

  • Core needs native C code builds for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) and MacOS (32, 64), plus any other platforms on which tsk4j might be run.

  • Armour should be able to read file systems directly, and not rely on fls for BodyFile creation. That way, Armour's operator set could be enriched with operators that can read file content. The current operators are limited to filtering on BodyFile record fields alone.


Ideas related to this work were presented at the [OSDFCon] (http://www.osdfcon.org/2013-event/) workshop in 2013. A local copy of the slides is also included here.


Java bindings to the Sleuthkit open-source host forensics library/toolkit.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Brainfuck 99.4%Language:Java 0.5%Language:C 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%