uvipen / pytorch-ImageNet-CIFAR-COCO-VOC-training

Training examples and results for ImageNet/CIFAR/COCO/VOC training.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Platform:Ubuntu 18.04.4


If you use python3.7,please use the following orders to install apex:

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./

If the above command fails to install apex,you can use the following orders to install apex:

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir ./

Using apex to train can reduce video memory usage by 25%-30%, but the training speed will be slower, the trained model has the same performance as not using apex.

My pretrained models

You can download all my pretrained models from here:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rewWULfXsvE0voA-A_ooTWwadq9lsk3X?usp=sharing .

Preparing the dataset

If you want to reproduce my imagenet pretrained models,you need download ILSVRC2012 dataset,and make sure the folder architecture as follows:

|-----train----1000 sub classes folders
|-----val------1000 sub classes folders
Please make sure the same class has same class folder name in train and val folders.

If you want to reproduce my COCO pretrained models,you need download COCO2017 dataset,and make sure the folder architecture as follows:

|-----annotations----all label jsons
|                |----train2017

If you want to reproduce my VOC pretrained models,you need download VOC2007+VOC2012 dataset,and make sure the folder architecture as follows:

|                 |----Annotations
|                 |----ImageSets
|                 |----SegmentationClass
|                 |----SegmentationObject
|                 |----Annotations
|                 |----ImageSets
|                 |----SegmentationClass
|                 |----SegmentationObject

How to reproduce my results

If you want to reproduce my experiment result,just enter a category experiments folder,then enter a specific experiment folder.Each experiment folder has it's own config.py and train.py.

If the experiment use nn.parallel to train,you should add this in train.py to specify the GPU for training:

os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0,1"

then run this command to train:

python train.py

If the experiment use nn.DistributedDataParallel to train,you should add this in train.py to specify the GPU for training:

os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0,1"

then run this command to train:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_addr --master_port 20001 train.py

Please make sure the nproc_per_node number is correct and master_addr/master_port are different from other experiments.

COCO training results

Trained on COCO2017_train, tested on COCO2017_val.

mAP is IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP(COCOeval,stats[0]). mAR is IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAR(COCOeval,stats[8]).

My size=667 is equal to resize=400 in RetinaNet paper(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.02002.pdf) ,my resize=1000 is equal to resize=600 in RetinaNet paper.

Network resize batch gpu-num apex syncbn epoch5-mAP-mAR-loss epoch10-mAP-mAR-loss epoch12-mAP-mAR-loss
ResNet50-RetinaNet 667 24 2 yes no 0.253,0.361,0.61 0.287,0.398,0.51 0.293,0.401,0.49
ResNet101-RetinaNet 667 16 2 yes no 0.254,0.362,0.60 0.290,0.398,0.51 0.296,0.402,0.48
ResNet50-RetinaNet 1000 16 4 yes no 0.305,0.425,0.55 0.306,0.429,0.55 0.333,0.456,0.46

For ResNet50-RetinaNet-resize1000 training,I use ResNet50-RetinaNet-resize667 as a pretrained model parameters to initialize the ResNet50-RetinaNet-resize1000.

For ResNet50-RetinaNet-resize667,the per image inference time = 116 ms(batch=1,use one GTX 1070 Max-Q).

Network resize batch gpu-num apex syncbn epoch5-mAP-mAR-loss epoch10-mAP-mAR-loss epoch12-mAP-mAR-loss epoch15-mAP-mAR-loss epoch20-mAP-mAR-loss epoch24-mAP-mAR-loss
ResNet50-FCOS 667 32 2 yes no 0.162,0.289,1.31 0.226,0.342,1.21 0.248,0.370,1.20 0.217,0.343,1.17 0.282,0.409,1.14 0.286,0.409,1.12
ResNet101-FCOS 667 24 2 yes no 0.206,0.325,1.29 0.237,0.359,1.20 0.263,0.380,1.18 0.277,0.400,1.15 0.260,0.385,1.13 0.291,0.416,1.10
ResNet50-FCOS 1000 32 4 yes no 0.305,0.443,1.15 0.315,0.451,1.14 / / / /

My size=667 is equal to resize=400 in FCOS paper(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.01355.pdf) ,my resize=1000 is equal to resize=600 in FCOS paper.

This FCOS implementation doesn't contains GN and CenterSample.

For ResNet50-FCOS-resize1000 training,I use ResNet50-FCOS-resize667 as a pretrained model parameters to initialize the ResNet50-FCOS-resize1000.

For ResNet50-FCOS-resize667,the per image inference time = 103 ms(batch=1,use one GTX 1070 Max-Q).

You can see more model training details in detection_experiments/experiment_folder/.

VOC training results

Trained on VOC2007 trainval + VOC2012 trainval, tested on VOC2007,using 11-point interpolated AP.

Network resize batch gpu-num apex syncbn epoch5-mAP-loss epoch10-mAP-loss epoch15-mAP-loss epoch20-mAP-loss
ResNet50-RetinaNet 667 24 2 yes no 0.660,0.62 0.705,0.44 0.723,0.35 0.732,0.30
ResNet50-RetinaNet-usecocopre 667 24 2 yes no 0.789,0.34 0.780,0.26 0.776,0.22 0.770,0.19

You can see more model training details in detection_experiments/experiment_folder/.

CIFAR100 training results

Training in nn.parallel mode result:

Network warm up lr decay total epochs Top-1 error
ResNet-18 no multistep 200 21.59
ResNet-34 no multistep 200 21.16
ResNet-50 no multistep 200 22.12
ResNet-101 no multistep 200 19.84
ResNet-152 no multistep 200 19.01

You can see more model training details in cifar100_experiments/resnet50cifar/.

ImageNet training results

Training in nn.parallel mode results

Network warm up lr decay total epochs Top-1 error
ResNet-18 no multistep 100 29.684
ResNet-34-half no multistep 100 32.528
ResNet-34 no multistep 100 26.264
ResNet-50-half no multistep 100 27.934
ResNet-50 no multistep 100 23.488
ResNet-101 no multistep 100 22.276
ResNet-152 no multistep 100 21.436
EfficientNet-b0 yes,5 epochs consine 100 24.492
EfficientNet-b1 yes,5 epochs consine 100 23.092
EfficientNet-b2 yes,5 epochs consine 100 22.224
EfficientNet-b3 yes,5 epochs consine 100 21.884
DarkNet-19 no multistep 100 26.132
DarkNet-53 no multistep 100 22.992
VovNet-19-slim-depthwise-se no multistep 100 33.276
VovNet-19-slim-se no multistep 100 30.646
VovNet-19-se no multistep 100 25.364
VovNet-39-se no multistep 100 22.662
VovNet-57-se no multistep 100 22.014
VovNet-99-se no multistep 100 21.608
RegNetY-200MF yes,5 epochs consine 100 29.904
RegNetY-400MF yes,5 epochs consine 100 26.210
RegNetY-600MF yes,5 epochs consine 100 25.276
RegNetY-800MF yes,5 epochs consine 100 24.006
RegNetY-1.6GF yes,5 epochs consine 100 22.692
RegNetY-3.2GF yes,5 epochs consine 100 21.092
RegNetY-4.0GF yes,5 epochs consine 100 21.684
RegNetY-6.4GF yes,5 epochs consine 100 21.230

All nets are trained by input size 224x224 except DarkNet(input size 256x256) and EfficientNet.

For training resnet50 with batch_size=256,you need at least 4 2080ti gpus,and need about three or four days.

Training in nn.DistributedDataParallel mode results

Network sync-BN warm up lr decay total epochs Top-1 error
ResNet-50 no no multistep 100 23.72
ResNet-50 yes no multistep 100 25.44

You can see more model training details in imagenet_experiments/experiment_folder/.


If you find my work useful in your research, please consider citing:

 author={Chaoran Zhuge},


Training examples and results for ImageNet/CIFAR/COCO/VOC training.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%