utubo / vim-cmdheight0

✨Emulate `cmdheight=0` with echo on Vim9

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


📜 Powered by vim9script


cmdheight0 is a Vim plugin emulates statusline with echo.
So, it looks like cmdheight=0.

also, Zen mode (emulates the next line). 🧘



  • vim9script


  • Example of .vimrc
    dein# add('utubo/vim-cmdheight0')
    g:cmdheight0 = {}
    g:cmdheight0.statusline = '%t %m %=%`%3l:%-2c%`%{&ff} %{&fenc} %L'
    # require nerd fonts
    g:cmdheight0.sep  = "\ue0b8"
    g:cmdheight0.sub  = ["\ue0bf", "\ue0bb"]
    g:cmdheight0.tail = "\ue0b8"
    nnoremap ZZ <ScriptCmd>cmdheight0#ToggleZen()<CR>
    # You can disable cmdheight0 at VimEnter
    #g:cmdheight0.at_start = 0




Update statusline.


Toggle Zen mode.
Zen echos the next line instead of statusline.
(sorry, Zen don't support conceal and others...)
enable is number.
0: disable Zen mode
1: enable Zen mode.
-1: toggle Zen mode.
default is -1.



g:cmdheight0 is dictionaly.

  • at_start
    0: disable cmdheight0 at VimEnter.
    1: enable cmdheight0 at VimEnter.
    default is 1.
  • delay
    seconds of show statusline when return from Command-mode.
    default is &updatetime / 1000.
    n(> 0): delay n seconds.
    0: no delay.
    n(< 0): show statusline on cursor moved.
  • laststatus
    You can use this instead of &laststatus.
    status line:
    0: never(Zen mode)
    1: only if there are at least two windows
    2: always
    default is 2.
  • tail
    the char of right of statusline.
  • sep
    the char of the separator of the mode.
  • sub
    the list of the sub-separators as [left, right].
    default is ['|', '|']
  • tail_style, sep_style, sub_style
    the highlight style of serpators.
    default is NONE.
  • horiz
    the char of the horizontal line on zen mode.
    default is .
  • horiznr
    the char of the horizontal line on LineNr.
    default is .
  • statusline
    the format of statusline.
  • mode
    the names of mode.
  • exclude
    the exclude bufnames or funcref.
    Funcref returns true to prevent cmdHeight0. default is ['ControlP'].


see :help statusline. cmdheight0 supports these only.

t S   File name (tail) of file in the buffer.
m F   Modified flag, text is "[+]"; "[-]" if 'modifiable' is off.
r F   Readonly flag, text is "[RO]".
l N   Line number.
L N   Number of lines in buffer.
c N   Column number (byte index).
{ NF  Evaluate expression between '%{' and '}' and substitute result.
{% -  This is almost same as { except the result of the expression is
      re-evaluated as a statusline format string.
      the end of expression is denoted by %}.
= -   Separation point between left and right aligned items.
# -   Set highlight group.
* -   Set highlight group to User{N}.
      Restore normal highlight with %* or %0*.

Specials for vim-cmdheight0

| -   Sub-separator

%{expr|} and %{%expr|%} Append the sub-separator when expr is not empty.

%{expr} and %{%expr%} Evalute expr with legacy vimscript. (not vim9script)
The global variables need g:.


see :help mode().

# default
g:cmdheight0.mode = {
  n:    ' N ', # Normal
  v:    ' v ', # Visual
  V:    ' V ', # V-Line
  '^V': '^V ', # V-Block
  s:    ' s ', # Select
  S:    ' S ', # S-Line
  '^S': '^S ', # S-Block
  i:    ' I ', # Insert
  R:    ' R ', # Replace
  c:    ' : ', # Command
  r:    ' > ', # Prompt
  t:    ' # ', # Terminal
  '!':  ' ! ', # Shell
  '*':  ' ? ', # Unknown
  'NC': ' - ', # Not-current


The last error in vim-cmdheight0.



Highlight group Default color Note
CmdHeight0 same as StatusLine
CmdHeightHoriz strikethrough NonText Horizontal separator
CmdHeight0HorizNr strikethrough fg=NonText, bg=LineNr Horizontal separator on LineNr column
CmdHeight0Info same foreground as Title
CmdHeight0Warn same foreground as WarningMsg
CmdHeight0Error same foreground as ErrorMsg

the mode colors.

Highlight group Default color Note
CmdHeight0Normal same as Normal Reverse
CmdHeight0Visual same as Visual
CmdHeight0VisualLine same as VisualNOS
CmdHeight0VisualBlock link to CmdHeight0VisualLine
CmdHeight0Select same as DiffChange
CmdHeight0SelectLine link to CmdHeight0Select
CmdHeight0SelectBlock link to CmdHeight0Select
CmdHeight0Insert same as DiffAdd
CmdHeight0Replace same as DiffChange
CmdHeight0Command same as WildMenu
CmdHeight0Prompt same as Search
CmdHeight0Term same as StatusLineTerm
CmdHeight0Shell same as StatusLineTermNC
CmdHeight0ModeNC same as StatusLineNC for not-current
CmdHeight0Other link to CmdHeight0ModeNC for unknown mode


✨Emulate `cmdheight=0` with echo on Vim9

License:MIT License


Language:Vim Script 100.0%