utpal-barman / flutter-pod-error-fixed

This is common Pod problem fixing for iOS build in Flutter

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Flutter Podfile Error Fixed

Here are some common Pod related problem fixings that I've faced during developing Flutter apps for iOS.

1(a). Module not found on Xcode Macbook

The most common problem in flutter with firebase is in it's setup on ios!

On Firebase console, don't follow step 3 (Add Firebase SDK) and step 4 (Add initialization code), as it's described on Flutter documentation.

But unfortunately it shows error after doing so, it shows

ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:10:9: fatal error: module 'firebase_admob' not found @import firebase_admob; ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 error generated.

There is a lot of solution on stackover flow, manually writing pod file, and install them it seems also working. But let the flutter do this...

  1. Manually Delete ios/.symlinks
  2. Manually Delete ios/Pods
  3. Manually Delete ios/Podfile
  4. Manually Delete ios/Podfile.lock
  5. Then in terminal flutter clean && flutter run

It will take some time to install the pod... Have a cup of coffee now.. Woohoo

1(b). Module not found on Xcode (Alternative solution)

It happens when podfile doesn't contain any dependencies, to solve this problem run these commands on your mac terminal / VS Code terminal, make sure you close Xcode.

cd ios

pod cache clean --all

rm Podfile

flutter clean

pod init

flutter pub get

pod install

2. iOS pod dependecy version mismatched after pubspec.yaml update

It's actually easy to solve, it's because you updated the packages version, but it didn't refelct on pubspec.lock file, To fix this error just follow this

Navigate to your ios foler first cd ios

Then write this pod update

3. FLUTTER_ROOT is unknown

Do these steps on your terminal on /ios folder

rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/repos/Spec_Lock

rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/repos/trunk/


flutter clean && flutter run



This is common Pod problem fixing for iOS build in Flutter