utiltiy / vdr4arch

VDR PKGBUILDs for Archlinux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


VDR4Arch is a set of VDR packages for Archlinux.

Our goal is it to combine the feature-richness of VDR with the bleeding edge design of Archlinux. We provide always the newest version (developer or stable). But we delay new vdr releases for at least one week in a separate vdr4arch-testing repository. You can find more information on this testing repository in our wiki

Install the base system

Installing Archlinux is not a big deal. Just follow this Installation Guide https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_Guide

We don't need many different partitions on VDR systems. In most cases a single / (root) partiton is enough. If you want to separate the system from your recordings mount another partition to /srv/vdr/video

Install VDR4Arch packages

Take a look at the Installation Section in our wiki https://github.com/VDR4Arch/vdr4arch/wiki/VDR4Arch-Installation-(en_US)#Installation

Compile from source

You can find more information about compiling vdr4arch's packages in our wiki https://github.com/VDR4Arch/vdr4arch/wiki/VDR4Arch-Installation-(en_US)#compile-vdr4arch


VDR4Arch may be compatible to other VDR packages (e.g. ArchVDR or AUR), but we don't support that. If you miss any feature/plugin/addon etc, read the next paragraph.

Feature/Plugin missing?

You miss something and you want us to add it. No problem!

File a bug, please. But be aware that we don't want add more patches to the vdr package



VDR PKGBUILDs for Archlinux


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