uthline / ffmpeg-tensorflow

Dockerfile for ffmpeg with libtensorflow

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FFMpeg with Libtensorflow

Since Google Summer of Code 2018, FFMpeg supports the sr filter for applying super-resolution methods based on convolutional neural networks. However, compiling FFMpeg with proper libraries and preparing models for super-resolution requires expert knowledge. This repository provides a Dockerfile that makes super-resolution in FFMpeg a breeze!


Install FFMpeg with Libtensorflow

First, download the pre-built Libtensorflow library from https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/libtensorflow/. Your version of Libtensorflow (here 1.15.0) should match your version of CUDA, see the compatibility table. Your version of CUDA should match your NVIDIA driver, see NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit Release Notes, Table 2.

$ mkdir -p tensorflow/lib_package/
$ pushd tensorflow/lib_package/
$ wget https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/libtensorflow/libtensorflow-gpu-linux-x86_64-1.15.0.tar.gz
$ popd

If your version of Libtensorflow has not been pre-built, you will need to build it yourself, which takes about 2 hours on a quad-core laptop. Specific steps that need to be taken for some historic versions of Libtensorflow (1.12.3) are described in the issues.

$ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
$ pushd tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/ci_build/linux/
$ git checkout v1.15.0
$ ./libtensorflow_gpu.sh
$ popd

Next, build our FFMpeg Docker image (takes about 5 minutes on a quad-core laptop). Your nvidia/cuda base image should match your version of CUDA (here 10.0).

$ git clone https://github.com/MIR-MU/ffmpeg-tensorflow.git
$ tar xzvf tensorflow/lib_package/libtensorflow-gpu*.tar.gz -C ffmpeg-tensorflow/
$ docker build --build-arg FROM_IMAGE=nvidia/cuda:10.0-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu18.04 -t ffmpeg-tensorflow ffmpeg-tensorflow/

You should now see ffmpeg-tensorflow among your Docker images. Remove auxiliary files and intermediary Docker images downloaded during the installation:

$ rm -rf ffmpeg-tensorflow/ tensorflow/
$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                            IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ffmpeg-tensorflow   latest                         5d66a25f140b        About an hour ago   5.34GB
tf-tensorflow-gpu   latest                         7f8c5a76892c        4 hours ago         6.15GB
$ docker rmi 7f8c5a76892c

Prepare super-resolution models

Create and activate a Miniconda environment named ffmpeg-tensorflow. Your version of the tensorflow package (here 1.15.0) should match the version of Libtensorflow that you used during installation:

$ conda create --name ffmpeg-tensorflow tensorflow=1.15.0 numpy python=3
$ conda activate ffmpeg-tensorflow

Next, download the HighVoltageRocknRoll/sr GitHub repository that contains tensorflow checkpoints for models trained on the DIV2K dataset, and convert the tensorflow checkpoints into super-resolution models:

$ git clone https://github.com/HighVoltageRocknRoll/sr
$ pushd sr
$ python generate_header_and_model.py --model=espcn  --ckpt_path=checkpoints/espcn
$ python generate_header_and_model.py --model=srcnn  --ckpt_path=checkpoints/srcnn
$ python generate_header_and_model.py --model=vespcn --ckpt_path=checkpoints/vespcn
$ python generate_header_and_model.py --model=vsrnet --ckpt_path=checkpoints/vsrnet
$ cp espcn.pb srcnn.pb vespcn.pb vsrnet.pb ..
$ popd

Finally, deactivate and remove the ffmpeg-tensorflow Miniconda environment, and remove the HighVoltageRocknRoll/sr GitHub repository:

$ conda deactivate
$ conda env remove --name ffmpeg-tensorflow
$ rm -rf sr/

You should be left with a number of super-resolution models:

$ ls
espcn.pb srcnn.pb vespcn.pb vsrnet.pb

The architectures and experimental results for the super-resolution results are described in the HighVoltageRocknRoll/sr GitHub repository.

Upscale a video using super-resolution

Download an example video and use the ffmpeg-tensorflow docker image to upscale it using one of the super-resolution models (here ESPCN):

$ wget https://media.xiph.org/video/derf/y4m/flower_cif.y4m
$ alias ffmpeg-tensorflow='docker run --rm --gpus all -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$PWD":/data -w /data -it ffmpeg-tensorflow'
$ ffmpeg-tensorflow -i flower_cif.y4m -filter_complex '
>   [0:v] format=pix_fmts=yuv420p, extractplanes=y+u+v [y][u][v];
>   [y] sr=dnn_backend=tensorflow:scale_factor=2:model=espcn.pb [y_scaled];
>   [u] scale=iw*2:ih*2 [u_scaled];
>   [v] scale=iw*2:ih*2 [v_scaled];
>   [y_scaled][u_scaled][v_scaled] mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv420p [merged]
> ' -map [merged] -sws_flags lanczos -c:v libx264 -crf 17 -c:a copy \
> -y flower_cif_2x.mp4

The flower_cif_2x.mp4 file with the upscaled example video should be produced. Compare upscaling using Lanczos filtering (left) with upscaling using the ESPCN super-resolution model (right):

Comparison of Lanczos and ESPCN


Dockerfile for ffmpeg with libtensorflow


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