ushiboy / cyclone

Cyclone is an application state management library.

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Cyclone is an application state management library.

Quick Sample

Here is a simple counter.

import { createStore, none } from '@ushiboy/cyclone';

const initialState = { count: 0 };

const update = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment': {
      return [{ count: state.count + 1 }, none()];
    case 'decrement': {
      return [{ count: state.count - 1 }, none()];
    default: {
      return [state, none()];

const store = createStore(initialState, update);

store.subscribe(() => {

store.dispatch({ type: 'increment' });
store.dispatch({ type: 'increment' });
store.dispatch({ type: 'decrement' });

Main Concept

  • State: the state of your application.
  • Action: the instructions for changing state.
  • Update: the processing function that receives State and Action and returns the next State and Action.
  • Store: it is initialized with State and Update, receives Action and updates State and notifies.


The objects with keys and values.

type State = {
  [stateName: string]: any;


The objects with type property.

type Action = {
  type: string


The function that takes State and Action as arguments and returns updated State and next Action.

type Update<S, A> = (state: S, action: A) => [S, A | Promise<A> | Array<A | Prmise<A>>];


Notify of change of State by Action.

type Store<S, A> = {
  dispatch(action: A | Promise<A>): Promise<void>,
  getState(): S,
  subscribe(listener: () => void): () => void,
  unsubscribe(listener: () => void): void



It create and return a Store from the initial state and Update function.

createStore<S, A>(initialState: S, update: Update<S, A>): Store<S, A>


It define Update which is responsible for specific elements in State. It is used in combination with combine.

reducer<RS, A>(stateName: string, update: ReducerUpdate<RS, A>): ReducerConfig<RS, A>
reducer<RS, A>(stateName: string, dependencies: string[], update: ReducerUpdate<RS, A>): ReducerConfig<RS, A>

It returns a ReducerConfig object. If you specify a list of depending State element names on the 2nd argument, it can be received after the 3rd argument of the ReducerUpdate function.

type ReducerConfig<RS, A> = {
  stateName: string,
  update: ReducerUpdate<RS, A>,
  dependencies: string[]

type ReducerUpdate<RS, A> = (state: RS, action: A, ...dependencyState: any[]) => [RS, A | Promise<A>];


It receives multiple ReducerConfig objects, creates and returns a single Update function.

combine<S, A>(...reducerConfig: ReducerConfig): Update<S, A>;


It is used when there is no next Action after Update processing.

none(): Action


Store instance methods.


It execute Action against Store.

dispatch(a: A | Promise<A>): Promise<void>


It returns the current State of Store.

getState(): S


It subscribes to the Store change notification and returns unsubscriber.

If you execute unsubscriber, It unsubscribes to the Store change notification.

subscribe(listener: () => void): () => void


It unsubscribes to the Store change notification.

unsubscribe(listener: () => void): void


Reduce State Case

An example where three states are processed individually and one depends on the other two.

import { createStore, combine, reducer, none } from '@ushiboy/cyclone';

const store = createStore({ a: 0, b: 0, c: '' }, combine(
  reducer('a', (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case 'a$set': {
        return [action.payload, none()];
      default: {
        return [state, none()];
  reducer('b', (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case 'b$set': {
        return [action.payload, none()];
      default: {
        return [state, none()];
  // depends on 'a' and 'b'
  reducer('c', ['a', 'b'], (state, action, a, b) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case 'sum': {
        return [`${a + b}`, none()];
      default: {
        return [state, none()];

store.subscribe(() => {

store.dispatch({ type: 'a$set', payload: 1 }); // { a: 1, b: 0, c: '' }
store.dispatch({ type: 'b$set', payload: 2 }); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: '' }
store.dispatch({ type: 'sum' });               // { a: 1, b: 2, c: '3' }

Action Chain Case

An example of waiting for 1 second and erasing the message after displaying the message.

import { createStore, none } from '@ushiboy/cyclone';

const showMessage = () => ({ type: 'show' });

const waitAndClearMessage = () => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({ type: 'clear' });
    }, 1000);

const store = createStore({ msg: '' }, (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'show': {
      return [{ msg: 'hello' }, waitAndClearMessage()]; // chain action
    case 'clear': {
      return [{ msg: '' }, none()];
    default: {
      return [state, none()];

store.subscribe(() => {


Advanced Usage

Extra Argument

(This feature is experimental. It may change in the future.)

If there is a parameter you want to inject into the action, set it to the 3rd argument of the createStore method.

const store = createStore(initialState, update, { webApi: {...} });

The action can use it by returning a function that receives the injected parameter.

const fetchAction = () => async ({ webApi }) => {
  const data = await webApi.fetch();
  return {
    type: 'fetch',
    payload: {


Change Log


Changed subscribe method to return unsubscriber.


Removed @babel/polyfill dependency.


Initial Cyclone release.




Cyclone is an application state management library.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%