user1342 / user1342

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ› οΈ Binary Analysis Automation | Checkout some of my tools for accelerating reverse engineering, vulnerability research, and binary analysis using automation and machine learning.

🧐 Monocle - Large Language Model For Binary Analysis Search.

πŸ₯’ Tweezer - A binary analysis tool for identifying unknown function names, using a word-2-vec model.

πŸ‡ AutoCorpus - LLM backed tooling for automatically generating corpus files for fuzzing.

πŸ“ Just Another Differ - A diffing tool for binary files when comparing obfuscated and changed binary names between versions.

πŸ“± Android Reverse Engineering | Checkout some of my tools for interacting with, emulating, testing, deobfuscating, and analysing Android APKs.

➑️ AutoDroid - A tool for automating interactions with Android devices - including ADB, AndroGuard, and Frida interactivity.

πŸ‘ PocketSmali - A modular and extendable Python tool for emulating simple SMALI instructions.

πŸ› οΈ Broken Droid Factory - A Python and Gradle tool to spin-up pseudo random vulnerable Android applications for training and testing.

🫣 Obfu[DE]Scate - Obfu[DE]scate is a de-obfuscation tool for Android APKs that uses fuzzy comparison logic to identify similarities between functions.

βœ… DIS{integrity} - A tool for analysing Android APKs and extracting root, integrity, and tamper detection checks.

☒️ DroidDetective - A machine learning malware analysis framework for Android apps.

πŸ’Ύ RUNIC and TAMPER - Android tamper, root, and integrity attestation/ detection demos.

πŸ”Ž Machine Learning and anti-Extremism tools and research | Checkout some of my tools and PhD research into machine learning, extremism, and anti-misinformation.

🐦 Canary - A Chrome extension that uses the Google Gemini LLM and looks out for and blocks extremist content!

πŸ•΅οΈ Pinpoint - Python tooling for the creation and use of a binary classification model for identifying far-right extremist text posts on the Parler social network.

πŸ‘€ User-Compare - A tool for comparing user profiles and returning a confidence score.

πŸ“° News-Article-Text-Classification - A pre-trained model for identifying the topic of news articles.
