useafterfree / Reactron-Boilerplate

This is a React / Electron Boilerplate Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reactron Boilerplate

React boilerplate application built using electron


  • node >= 6.10 (check if installed and version node -v)
  • gulp >= 3.9 (check if installed and version gulp -v)
  • yarn >= 1.3.2


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Change to this reponsitory's directory

  3. Install npm dependencies

    $ yarn install

Environment variables

export NODE_ENV=development

Build Tasks

  • $ gulp browserify - transpiles and concats all JavaScript files, then moves it to dist folder
  • $ gulp html - copies the html files to dist folder
  • $ gulp stylus - compiles the stylus files to css, then moves it to dist folder
  • $ gulp images - copies images to dist folder
  • $ gulp build - runs browserify, html, stylus, and images tasks, then uglifies the JavaScript file.

Running the Application

  • $ npm start - in most cases, this is what you only need. This command builds and runs the electron app.# Reactron-Boilerplate


This is a React / Electron Boilerplate Project


Language:JavaScript 90.9%Language:Shell 3.1%Language:Stylus 3.0%Language:HTML 2.9%